Day 32: Launching your Kubernetes Cluster with Deployment ????
What is Deployment in k8s
Updates for pods and replica sets are configured by a deployment.
When you specify a desired state in a deployment, the deployment controller gradually shifts the current state toward the desired state. You can specify deployments to replace existing deployments and use all of their resources with new deployments or to delete existing deployments and make new replicas for scalability.
Create one Deployment file to deploy a sample todo-app on K8s using the "Auto-healing" and "Auto-Scaling" feature
Add a deployment.yml file
This deployment file will deploy a deployment with two copies of the todo container. The container is built using the image vinay0000/ddjango-todo-app:latest, which needs to be changed to reflect the real image name of your application. On port 8000, the container is listening. Todo, a label app connected to the deployment, is utilized in the selection to indicate which pods are a part of it.
Apply the deployment to your k8s (minikube) cluster
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
To list a deployment:
kubectl get deployments
To list a pod
generate two copies of the container in this deployment file.
Thank you for your time, and good luck with your studies. I'll try to get more into K8s over time. ????