Day 32 - 4 Things I’ve learned in my 1st month of yoga teacher training
I’ve finished my first 30 days of yoga teacher training and with 30 days to go, here is what I’ve learned so far:
1.Yoga is more than just creating shapes - “Creating shapes” is typically how we start practicing yoga and what we see all over social media. But this can lead to unhealthy habits, and do our body more harm than good. This teacher training has allowed me to be more aware of my body and practice specific actions to activate the body parts that will help me to get me through a transition and into a pose more mindfully and safely.
2. Yoga asks you to breathe - The breath rules all other senses. It is the one thing we can’t live without. And most of us do not breathe into our entire body, so we miss out on the depth or the expansion that breath can bring us. Breathing in yoga asks me to stay calm and balanced in the present moment whether I’m doing something challenging or simply sitting still. Breathing allows me to go deeper in a posture and releases greater potential, beyond strong arms and a toned tummy.
3. No body is like your body - Yoga anatomy and reference books or teachers may push us towards a peak pose, but not every body is physically capable of achieving every pose due to our unique anatomical differences. Everybody is different, every body is capable of different things. Understanding this is changing how I see myself and my approach to teaching.
4. Yoga is a spiritual practice - While I initially took up yoga for its physical benefits, I am learning about the deep spiritual roots of practicing yoga. Yoga is holistic, I am improving my physical strength and flexibility, but also my emotions, mental health and my ability to concentrate. The spiritual practice of yoga wants me to attain peace with myself and the world I inhabit.
#yoga #mindfulness #meditation #yogateachertraining #wellness #love #yogapractice