Day 3: Package Management with NPM
Afolabi Abigeal
Freelance Backend Developer | Python & Node.js | SRE & Cloud Security Engineer | Technical Writer with over 45k+ Views on | AI\ML Enthusiast | Founder & CEO of Arbys House of Beauty
For my Day 3 project from the Thrive Community #100DaysOfCode, I gained more insight into Package Management with NPM.
Today, I explored the Node.js Package Manager (NPM), a crucial tool for managing libraries, dependencies, and scripts in my projects. NPM simplifies the process of adding functionality to my code by allowing me to install pre-built packages, which not only saves time but also enhances collaboration as developers share their tools for the community's benefit.
Key Learnings:
Mini Project:
I created a CLI tool that logs colorful messages using the chalk package. This hands-on project taught me how to install, import, and utilize a package in a simple script.
Reflective Questions:
Today's focus on NPM has opened new avenues for enhancing my projects. Understanding that developers create and share tools for community use has inspired me to contribute to open-source projects in the future. I’m excited to continue this journey!
#100DaysOfCode #ThriveTechAfrica #NodeJS #NPM #CodingJourney