Day 27 of #FabulousFebruary: CHANGE
Maria Marenco ??
I pressed PAUSE on Social Media, Not present here to be present in real life. But I still live by this mantra: "Storytelling is for Changemakers"
We are naturally resistant to change. Even though we may hate the status quo, the status quo is proven, and it is safe.
We identify with our choices. We are pro or against something, and changing our opinion is hard because “what would people think?”.
“People don’t change”. That’s what we know from the culture. But the truth is that we’ve all experienced change. Everyone has the ability to change within them. We could rather say:
People don’t change unless they want to.
How to want to Change
The first thing we have to do is to realize there is resistance. We’ve survived, and are not just going to change to the next thing just like that. Even though the new scenario may be appealing, pulling us towards change, away from our “current problems”... we also have resistance forces:
Thus, if we want to change for good we need to lower these barriers as well.
We also need to turn change into actionable items, that makes the journey easier and less scary. Maybe though smaller steps that bring us confidence. Or changing our environment so we’re less likely to go back to where we were. And we need to give ourselves permission to slip every now and then, and go back on track.
How to invite Other to Change
In order to change a group, a community, you need to be willing to start just by one person. Tell a story that resonates with them and convinces them. Then you can start with another, and then another.
Change doesn’t start at scale. It starts with hard work, with a lot of listening, and a repetition of your message. If your message is good, it will eventually stick (maybe you need months, or years). And if your message is not good, people will just ignore it.
Remember that the culture is embedded in all of us, and most people will not be convinced on the contrary with reason. Expect resistance and don’t give up.
Change is scary and needed, inevitable and fought, voluntary and forced. Change is life.
I Hope you’re having a #FabulousFebruary!