Day 26 ~ Reflecting by the River

Day 26 ~ Reflecting by the River

Ephesians 5:10 ~ and find out what pleases The Lord …

One must live intentionally to slowly learn what is pleasing. Diligently working at understanding what pleases. Boldly, courageously, fearlessly engaging the heavenly pleasures within everyday life. ?Our life living within what pleases The Lord Our God.?

It will require letting go of somethings, engaging others, and living within a passion stimulating intimacy of life. That passion brings into focus what our life values within everyday life. Remember life is lived moment by moment, and a lot happens within a moment. What pleases The Lord Our God is living within every moment of life. It is within how we love within our heart, what thoughts are actively alive within our mind, why we live the passion of heaven above within our soul. It is everything from sunrise to sunset and throughout the night occupying our inner-core of thriving life.?

As I reflect by the river many things challenge my time, my energy, my resources. Many obstacles are actively present in what I see, what I hear, what I smell, what I feel, and what I taste. Our senses are serving a greater purpose beyond this world. If our life is not living extremely cautiously, the ways of this world will interfere in how we perceive this thriving life of living hope. Life of living: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling. Engaging within what is pleasing to The Lord Our God. Our humanistic senses actively engaging within heaven above. Within in every moment Christ Jesus is living for our wandering sinfulness. Within every moment the Holy Spirit is protectively dwelling mightily engaging our life’s wandering. Within every moment Abba Father is purposefully, diligently, passionately working within the background of our wandering life. Within every moment The Lord Our God's powerful undeserved grace is engaging our life's brokenness. Our sinfulness is cleansable, redeemable, restorable within heaven above. Within every moment lives protective promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us.?

So, what pleases The Lord Our God is actively living within our inner-core of thriving life. It is that passion given our sinful life to live boldly, courageously, fearlessly sharing among a world living heavenly passionless. A world living, thriving, and sharing within its worldly passions of ungodly desires. A world searching for new life of abundance but denying the agape love within Christ Jesus, the protective guidance within the Holy Spirit, the free-gift of everlasting life in heaven thriving within Abba Father. A world living only a moment away, yet, so far off wandering hopelessly.?

To find out what pleases The Lord Our God live boldly, courageously, fearlessly within life-changing undeserved grace. Engaging a world not thriving within the passions of heaven above. Living our discipleship offering sacrificial forgiveness to all the unforgiven. Agape love to all the unloved. Living hope to all the hopeless. Discipleshipping is helping the broken hearted, finding the lost, and sharing what is pleasing to The Lord Our God. Within our gifted uniqueness share the sacrificial love within Christ Jesus, sharing the mightiness dwelling within the protective Holy Spirit, sharing the life-changing undeserved grace livable within Abba Father. Discipleshipping is not complicated. Just live uniquely you actively discipleshipping our livable passion within the gospel of Christ Jesus. ?Discipleshipping within living hope. Living heavenly forgiven to live what is pleasing to The Lord Our God. Living cleansed, redeemed, restored. Living our life boldly, courageously, fearlessly within what is pleasing within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit ~ Amen ...

Michael J Zenner


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