Day 25 ~ Reflecting by the River
Hebrews 11:1 ~ Now faith is being sure of what we hope for?and certain of what we do not see
This scripture intrigues my life to wonder how the ways of this world copes with anything at all. Worldly faith lives on what is seen, accomplished, humanly created. Worldly faith is living to enhance life of humanism. As I sit by the river reflecting. Life can sure be challenging. Coming full force attacking our heavenly faith. Our living faith within The Lord Our God is aggressively under attack. Our living faith is living within heavenly faith; living sure of what our life hopes for and certain of what we do not see.?
Our faith within The Lord Our God is a blessing, a free-gift, and opportunity to engage within living hope. Sitting by the river will surely slow life down, making one think, and challenging what we do not see. The river is flowing with livable life. Life coming actively alive flowing with varieties of fish, varieties of food, varieties of habitable life. Varieties of life living within the waters of life enhancing life. Some seen, many unseen. But all retrievable to be fully-seen. Living faith is heavenly faith; heaven above coming fully alive within the waters of living hope.?
Living hope is motivating everyday life. It is the engine driving our passion. Filling our voids of emptiness. Recharging our daily weariness. Living hope: It shines light into our darkness. Hopefulness loving our life when the ways of this world is turning into bitterness. Living hope always taking that extra step to overcome the ways of this world’s brokenness. That sudden surge from heaven above helping our life to move forward as this world pulls at our core values, our core beliefs, our inner-core of thriving life. Living hope is flowing the seen and unseen within the waters of life.?
Life-changing hope engaging within our life to live within heavenly faith. Heaven above actively engaging within our sinfulness. Life-changing hope embedded with sacrificial forgiveness. Living hope: cleansing our daily sinfulness, redeeming our daily brokenness, restoring our daily weariness. It is creating a new life of heavenly faith within the seen and unseen. Living faith is our heavenly faith actively living within protective promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us.?
Heavenly faith living blessed within living hope. It lives within the heart to love, within the mind to know wisdom, within the soul to feel the seen and unseen. Living faith lives to overcome the unknowns. It is alive within every moment actively changing lives. Within every heart to feel love, within every mind to believe, within every soul to dream. Heavenly faith: It is living vibrantly alive within life-changing promises renewing, refreshing, redeeming, restoring what this world is attempting to destroy.?
Faith, hope, and love merging it all together. Making all things feel livable within Christ Jesus. Feel livable within the Holy Spirit Feel livable within Abba Father. Remember. Our heavenly faith, our living hope, our agape love: our discipleshipping must be visible to a world thriving on visibility. Keep it uncomplicated. Just live boldly, courageously, fearlessly within our gifted uniqueness. Our discipleship living blessed like a fish jumping out of the river. Living our discipleshipping fully visible within the seen and unseen. Living everyday life discipleshipping within living faith. Our heavenly faith intimately living sure of what our life hopes for and certain of what we do not see. Our discipleship is living retrievable within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit ~ Amen ...
Michael J Zenner