Day 23 of running 55 miles in October to save Jo’s marbles (for Alzheimer's Research UK) Progress: 47/55 miles.

Day 23 of running 55 miles in October to save Jo’s marbles (for Alzheimer's Research UK) Progress: 47/55 miles.

Just £74.00 to reach £500, two more sessions of determined walking/running, and Jo will have smashed her target.

Walk with Jo and her Mr Jo, also known as Iain, on their walk/run this morning. I would have uploaded a video but I can't upload to an article.

Meet Running Russell and his less enthusiastic greyhound Gus. Gus regularly stopped to sniff the grass, have a wee and on one occasion, chase Brenda the Bush Turkey under a truck. Whatever Gus did, Running Russell kept running.

A million thank you's to those people who’ve already donated. You’re all amazing! If you’d like to keep me motivated, here’s the link to donate. We’re at £426. I'd love to get to £500.00.??????


