Day 23 - KPI chart
Just today's door and tomorrow's. The #ThoughtSpotAdventCalendar flew by very quickly. I know that everyone is probably busy preparing for Christmas, so without any delay, we are opening door number 23. And there you will find a KPI chart. This chart is actually #SpeedOfThought in a nutshell. ThoughtSpot , this one chart replaces whole dashboards created in other tools, brilliant. Truly brilliant.
Using KPI chart, you can track the changes in important KPIs in your data.
Imagine that we want to track volumes on a monthly basis. Let's generate a answer. How quick and easy it is. Replace the default line graph with a KPI chart type.
What has happened here? Normally you would have to create a whole dashboard. And here you have, looking from the top - the value in the current month, the current month, the percentage and value change compared to the previous month and a timeline on which you can track the individual months. Everything looks nice. Do you need anything else to track KPI?
You can add filters to the answer and thus narrow down the answers. Adding the attributes by which you want to group them does not help, as there is nowhere to put them in the chart.
All data is reduced to the month because that was our question. You can easily change the time interval to yearly, quarterly, weekly, daily and even hourly.
By going into the chart settings, you can enable or disable each element of the KPI chart and also change the colours in which the percentage change is presented.
Sales and finance directors will love this chart. Anyone who tracks the change in KPIs over time will be delighted. And look out for the Grande Finale tomorrow.