Day 23. Courage
Elena Agafonova
?? Helping Midlife Professionals Reinvent Their Careers with Confidence
Hello! It's cool to see you here again! Keep it up!
??Please read the descriptions of the exercises and perform them as you wish.?
???After completing the exercises, rate your level of happiness on a scale of 0 to 10.?
If you find that a particular exercise brings you a high level of happiness (8-10), you have likely discovered a key virtue that can bring more meaning and satisfaction to your life.?
Zest, Passion and Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is not contrary to reason; it is reason – on fire. Peter Marshall
?You are a spirited person. Do you throw yourself, body and soul, into the activities you undertake? Do you wake up in the morning looking forward to the day? Is the passion that you bring to activities infectious? Do you feel inspired??. M. Seligman.
A: I throw myself into everything I do.
Very much like me - 5
Like me - 4
Neutral - 3
Unlike me - 2
Very much unlike me - 1
B: I mope a lot.
Very much like me - 1
Like me - 2
Neutral - 3
Unlike me - 4
Very much unlike me - 5
Total your score for these two items. This is your enthusiasm score ___
So, let's start practicing!
Something contagious
Originally, the word "enthusiasm" referred to the state of someone possessed or influenced by a deity. Think of someone who has a gift for inspiring others. What is his or her secret? That's right, they have charisma, the ability to infect everyone around them with their ideas, passion and energy. Very often it is about something completely incomprehensible, not familiar to you, but the person is so energized by his or her own interest that the energy flows everywhere.?
So the practice starts with the following:
Enthusiasm hand-made
If the previous practice doesn't resonate with you, but you still want to try it, follow these guidelines:
If you are looking for individual support on your journey towards a happier life, I would be glad to help. You can book a free chemistry session now!?