Day 22 / Get Uncomfortable / 91 Perfect Days Challenge.

Day 22 / Get Uncomfortable / 91 Perfect Days Challenge.

Welcome to the Wealth Creators 91 Perfect Days challenge. Where our mission is to help you to create, preserve, and enjoy a life of abundance.

Starting right now.

Today's reading is titled;?Get Uncomfortable.

There is a positive correlation between how uncomfortable a person is prepared to get and their likelihood of success. Irrespective of the field of endeavour. There is a very interesting divide in our society. It`s the canyon that separates the people with real jobs from the Self-employed. The self-employed side is a sparsely populated area. You see if you don't earn your keep this side you don't last very long.

You get here based solely on your own abilities. You stay here based completely on your own merit. Merit is the best evaluation metric for success.

It is through your demonstrated ability that you become successful. Walking the talk. It means you`ve earned your success by putting in the TEMS. Everything you want must be earned. And you can only earn it by getting uncomfortable.

To make changes and strike out in new directions requires doing something you haven't done before. Unless you are willing to expose yourself to feeling uncomfortable you are going to stay stuck. Trying to change inside your safe little comfort zone does not work.

Follow your discomfort.

It shows you where you need to grow.

You have to get out there and frighten the pants off yourself. You have to take calculated risks. Step out of your comfort zone. Overcome your limitations. Explore your fears.

You have to feel fear and carry on regardless. Where there`s discomfort, there`s growth. Where there are barriers, there are lessons.

And where there is adversity, there is strength to be found and potential to be explored. It is precisely these uncomfortable things you must master to become successful. It`s amazing how much power strength and ability we can tap into when we are prepared to get uncomfortable.

Today`s Challenge;

Get uncomfortable.

Figure out which tasks you need to take action on to achieve success. Decide what makes you feel uncomfortable and then take action on them.

Quick Recap;

Change doesn't happen by staying in your comfort zone. Change only happens by stepping out of your comfort zone.

How to Take Action Right Now;

  1. Make a list of your entrepreneurial shortcomings that make you feel squeamish.
  2. Determine which ones will deliver the greatest positive results and move you towards your goals.
  3. Take action and get uncomfortable.

If you want to grow and become successful, the place to be is uncomfortable.

Always remember that in order to create a perfect life, you must make sure that today will be a perfect day. And in creating perfect days, there will never be another day in your life that won't require responsibility, intent, time, effort, the right mindset, and massive massive action.

Consistently doing what needs to be done is the only way to get the results you want.

Every action that you take today will either move you one step closer or one step away from your goals. Therefore if you want to guarantee that you live a massively successful life.

I challenge you to make today a Perfect day.


For more information on the Wealth Creators method;


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