Day 22 of #FabulousFebruary: TRANSLATE
Maria Marenco ??
I pressed PAUSE on Social Media, Not present here to be present in real life. But I still live by this mantra: "Storytelling is for Changemakers"
This article is very special. I put it together a year ago with the great contribution of many of you, who answered my question regarding untranslatable words.
Untranslatable words
All people who speak more than one language know this frustration. They are speaking in one language (let's say English). Suddenly, another word comes to mind. It matches the situation perfectly, it would be great to use it. However, this particular word is from a different language (let's say the German word Kopfkino), unknown to the person in front of us. So we try to use a similar word or sentence ("mental cinema?"). But it is so frustrating, because that is in fact, the perfect word.
Words aren't static elements. Words have a history. A words is born out of a need, its meaning evolves over time, gain connotations, second meanings, nuances... Different regions or cultures use words differently. Different people understand the same word differently. That's why Kopfkino can't just be translated in "mental cinema". It has gained additional meaning... It's an untranslatable word.
Lost in Translation
I can tell you exactly how many centimeters is one inch. But I can't exactly translate the Spanish word "desvelado".
A language is an imperfect form of communication. We don't translate exactly what we are thinking into words. We take the best approach. Also, our message is open to interpretation. And it often gets misinterpreted.
We can focus on all the possible problems due to the difference between what we mean and what is understood. Or, we can celebrate our differences!
Yes! We are different! People from the same culture share a need to name a specific feeling, an object or an action. A new word is then created. A word that maybe has absolutely no use in other parts of the planet. It's just part of this culture. Isn't it awesome?
Your Untranslatable Words
I asked in linkedIn to share untrasnlatable words with me, and this is what you all gave me.
Honestly, reading all these words you shared with me, and their meanings, got me thinking. There are so many words with profound meanings! They truly can't be translated into just one word, there are so many connotations behind them. I have the sense that I could get to know all those cultures a little bit better.
I talked before about language being imperfect for communicating. But it's also our best chance to communicate (until telepathy comes along). Our challenge is to use the language as good as we can to express what we have in our minds. We will make mistakes conveying our message, and interpreting others. But we will get better at it. And in the meantime, we will learn to carefully listen what lies behind single words.
Now let’s turn the lens on you:
What language do you feel more comfortable using? What untranslatable words do you know? How do you keep learning new languages?
I hope you are having a #FabulousFebruary