Day 202 - AppShare September 2020 Update
Zubair Quraishi
CEO and developer of Yazz VisualJS. Opensource low code internal tools in Javascript
AppShare is an Open Source platform to build and share enterprise web apps. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, and Kubernetes. Highlights for September 2020 were:
- The code is open source here:
- Mailing list grew to 709 subscribers, a 7% increase in the last month
- Github stars increased from 464 to 465, a tiny increase
- The import mechanism for MS Access databases is still in progress. The reason that it is taking so long is that there are many pieces to the puzzle, linked properties, databases access controls, and other stuff that need to be in place for this to work, but we are slowly getting there
Disclaimer: I work full time at Red Hat, so all the views in this article are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer