Day 20 - speed of thought
Today will be different from the previous days. No new commands or keywords. We will answer a question with #SpeedOfThought and in doing so, apply our knowledge about working with ThoughtSpot . Ready? Then let's open door number 20.
Let's start by formulating the problem we want to solve. Our task is to show the monthly average price of a pizza broken down by size. But we only want to see the results for the five most sold classic type pizzas on Saturdays and Sundays in the last two weeks.
You can see that here we will use own formulas to count the average, a subquery, filters, attributes, top keyword, days of the week and a pivot table to display the results. Madness.
The first step is to create a formula that calculate the average, i.e. the sum of the values divided by the sum of the quantities.
Piece of cake. Now let's create a subquery. We will use it later in the main answer filter. It should show which five classic pizzas sold best on Saturdays and Sundays, looking only at the last two weeks.
Easy. Let's copy the subquery for use in the filter. The next step is to use a formula that calculate the average price by month and filter pizzas to only those from the results of the copied subquery.
Still easy and with #SpeedOfThought. Let's add an attribute with size and change the display to a pivot table.
Still easy? Good, because it's the end. We have the results. It all took 147 seconds. Less than three minutes. Magic. Powerful. Brilliant.
This is what the #SpeedOfThought #data #analysis is all about. You simply get the answers. Amazing. And from tomorrow, pure fun. I promise.