Day 20: Oranges are Not the Only Fruit

Day 20: Oranges are Not the Only Fruit

I’m loving markets at the moment. I’m also loving the internet.? The internet because I can find out more or less anything I want about anything I don’t know just by typing a few words into a search engine. So I’m not loving the internet I’m loving Google. I’m loving markets because I can get all my fruit needs met for a pound a bowl. There’s a stall I usually gravitate towards. It’s run by an older woman and it stands out because she’s the only person who calls out. I only need to walk a few yards before I hear

‘Pound a bowl, any bowl! Any bowl, pound a bowl!’

?And I know she’s there. I only buy apples, bananas and pears that I use for my morning smoothie. Sometimes I buy grapes I can dehydrate into raisins and sometimes I buy plantain. So, I’m not loving markets in general, just this one.

It wouldn’t surprise me if people who know me perceive me as a picky eater, especially since I went off carbs and sugar and gluten. But I wouldn’t say I’m a picky eater, I just know what I don’t like and what I won’t touch, like mushrooms, avocado, and cow’s milk (I don’t digest the latter well, if you know what I mean). ?I remember my fellow crew members in Thailand teasing me over a couple of days. It started when I recoiled at the idea of eating chicken’s feet – I didn’t eat it. The next day I was told something that looked like liver was, in fact, chicken lungs – I didn’t eat that. I can’t remember what they told me I was being offered on the third day but I didn’t eat that either. Come day four they put me out of my misery and told me they were playing with me. The feet were feet but everything else was just regular meat.

?So, while I don’t see myself as a picky eater I will agree I’m not the most adventurous.? I might try a bit of something if someone else has it and is able to convince me to try it but in general, no, I won’t try something I don’t like the look of and definitely not something I don’t like the sound of.

?I surprised myself today when, in the market, ?I asked for a bowl of Sharon fruit (5 for a pound). Before I bought them I asked the woman if they were nice and she said

‘Oh they’re laaaavley darlin’ and cos I wanted to try something new I bought them. It wasn’t until I was halfway home that I realised I didn’t know how to eat it. Should I eat the skin? Are there pips? If so, do I eat those too?

And that’s why I’m loving Google because you tap in a few words and knowledge arrives at your fingertips.

?I found out that there are two types of Sharon fruit (or persimmon); hachiya persimmon, (astringent) and, or fuyu (non-astringent) and that you have to eat it at the right time, especially the astringent type. I’m thinking I bought the non-astringent type. I learned that I can indeed eat the skin but there was nothing about pips so I assumed there weren’t any. I established that I was eating the right type and that I bought it at the right time, I took a deep breath and tried one.

?It wasn’t bad, the taste kind of reminded me of melon but not quite the same. It’s sweet which I like, but I don’t see myself buying them regularly or anything like that. Mainly because apart from grapes and bananas I’m not one for eating fruit which is why I have a smoothie each morning.

I can see myself going to good old Google for ideas on what to do with the remaining 4 in the next couple of days.

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This a reboot of a project I ran in 2017 where I challenged myself to do something I had never done before every day for 50 days. I haven’t altered anything.

If you’re reading this for the first time I hope it inspires you to try something you’ve never done before. If you’ve read it before I hope it re-ignites a passion for something you forgot you wanted to explore.


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