Day 20: Mastering Git: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Efficient Version Control
Naga Priyanka Kanna
Ex-TCSer | DevOps | Azure | GIT| Terraform | Docker | Kubernetes | Jenkins | Shell Script
1. Uses of Git
2. Features of Git
3. Git WorkFlow
The following image shows the git workflow diagram:
| Working |
| Directory |
| |
| Your Project's |
| Files |
| Staging Area |
| (Index) |
| |
| Changes to be |
| committed |
| Git Directory |
| |
| Repository Data |
| (Commits, Branches,|
| Tags, etc.) |
In Git, the workflow is mainly divided into three areas -
Git configuration:
Git config
Get and set configuration variables that control all facts of how Git looks and operates.
Set the name:
$ git config --global "User name"
Set the email:
$ git config --global "[email protected]"
Set the default editor:
$ git config --global core.editor Vim
Check the setting:
$ git config -list
Creating Snapshot
Initializing a repository:
$ git init --> Initializing a repository
Staging files:
$ git add ---> Stages a single file
$ git add ---> Stages multiple files
$ git add *.py ---> Stages with a pattern
$ git add . ---> Stages the current directory and all its content
Viewing the status:
$ git status ---> Full status
$ git status -s ---> Short status
Committing the staged files:
$ git commit -m “Message” --->Commits with a one-line message
$ git commit --->Opens the default editor to type a long message
Stage all modified files:
$ git commit -am “Message” --> shorthand way to stage all modified files
and commit them with a message in Git
Removing files:
$ git rm ---> Removes from working directory and staging
$ git rm --cached ---> Removes from staging area only
Renaming or moving files:
$ git mv file1.txt
Unstaging files (undoing git add):
$ git restore --staged ---> Copies the last version of file.js
from repo to index
Discarding local changes:
$ git restore ---> Copies file.js from index to working
$ git restore ---> Restores multiple files in working
$ git restore . git clean -fd ---> Discards all local changes (except
untracked files)
$ git clean -fd ---> Removes all untracked files
Restoring an earlier version of a file:
$ git restore --source=HEAD~2
Viewing the staged/unstaged changes:
$ git diff ---> Shows unstaged changes
$ git diff --staged ---> Shows staged changes
$ git diff --cached ---> Shows staged changes
Viewing the history:
$ git log ---> Full history
$ git log --oneline ---> Summary of commit in oneline
$ git log --reverse ---> Lists the commits from the oldest to the newest
$ git log --all ---> Display the commit history from all branches and
tags, both local and remote branches.
$ git log --graph ---> commit history in a more visually informative
way, showing the relationships between commits
and branches using ASCII art.
$ git log --decorate --> adds decoration to commits, indicating which
branches or tags point to specific commits.
Can combine the above log commands to view the commits in a effective manner like:
ex: $ git log --all --graph --decorate
Viewing a commit:
$ git show 921a2ff ---> Shows the given commit
$ git show HEAD ---> Shows the last commit
$ git show HEAD~2 ---> Two steps before the last commit
$ git show ---> Shows the version of stored in the
last commit
Unstaging files (undoing git add):
$ git restore --staged ---> Copies the last version of
from repo to index
Discarding local changes:
$ git restore ---> Copies from index to working
$ git restore ---> Restores multiple files in working
$ git restore . ---> Discards all local changes (except
untracked files)
$ git clean -fd ---> Removes all untracked files
Restoring an earlier version of a file:
$ git restore --source=HEAD~2
Browsing History
Viewing the history:
$ git log --stat ---> Shows the list of modified files
$ git log --patch ---> Shows the actual changes (patches)
Filtering the history:
$ git log -3 ---> Shows the last 3 entries
$ git log --author=“priyanka”
$ git log --before=“2023-08-17”
$ git log --after=“one week ago”
$ git log --grep=“GUI” ---> Commits with “GUI” in their message
$ git log -S“GUI” ---> Commits with “GUI” in their patches
$ git log hash1..hash2 ---> Range of commits
$ git log file.txt ---> Commits that touched file.txt
Formatting the log output:
$ git log --pretty=format:'%an committed %H'
Creating an alias:
$ git config --global alias.lg 'log --oneline'
Viewing a commit
$ git show HEAD~2
$ git show HEAD~2:file1.txt ---> Shows the version of file stored in
this commit
Comparing commits
$ git diff HEAD~2 HEAD ---> Shows the changes between two
$ git diff HEAD~2 HEAD file.txt ---> Changes to file.txt only
Checking out a commit
$ git checkout ef47ed ---> Checks out the given commit
$ git checkout master ---> Checks out the master branch
Finding a bad commit
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect bad ---> Marks the current commit as a bad commit
$ git bisect good de14180 ---> Marks the given commit as a good commit
$ git bisect reset ---> Terminates the bisect session
Finding contributors
$ git shortlog
Viewing the history of a file
$ git log file.txt ---> Shows the commits that touched file.txt
$ git log --stat file.txt ---> Shows statistics (the number of changes)
for file.txt
$ git log --patch file.txt ---> Shows the patches (changes) applied to
Finding the author of lines
$ git blame file.txt????? ---> Shows?the?author?of?each?line?in?file.txt
$ git tag v1.0 ---> Tags the last commit as v1.0
$ git tag v1.0 6t7a828 ---> Tags an earlier commit
$ git tag ---> Lists all the tags
$ git tag -d v1.0 ---> Deletes the given tag
Branching & Merging
Managing branches
$ git branch test ---> Creates a new branch called test
$ git checkout -b test ---> Creates a new branch called test
$ git checkout test ---> Switches to the test branch
$ git switch test ---> Same as the above
$ git switch -C test ---> Creates and switches
$ git branch -d test ---> Deletes the test branch
Comparing branches
$ git log master..test ---> Lists the commits in the test branch
not in master
$ git diff master..test ---> Shows the summary of changes
In Git, "stashing" refers to temporarily shelving changes that are not ready to be committed. It allows you to save your work in progress and switch to another task or branch without committing incomplete changes to the repository.
In a single line: Stashing in Git is the process of temporarily storing changes that are not yet ready to be committed.
$ git stash push -m “New tax rules” ---> Creates a new stash
$ git stash list ---> Lists all the stashes
$ git stash show stash@{1} ---> Shows the given stash
$ git stash show 1 ---> shortcut for stash@{1}
$ git stash apply 1 ---> Applies the given stash to the
working dir
$ git stash drop 1 ---> Deletes the given stash
$ git stash clear ---> Deletes all the stashes
$ git merge test ---> Merges the test branch into the
current branch
$ git merge --no-ff test ---> Creates a merge commit even if FF is
$ git merge --squash test ---> Performs a squash merge
$ git merge --abort ---> Aborts the merge
Viewing the merged branches
$ git branch --merged ---> Shows the merged branches
$ git branch --no-merged ---> Shows the unmerged branches
$ git rebase master?? ---> Changes?the?base?of?the?current?branch
Cherry picking
$ git cherry-pick ef47ed???---> Applies?the?given?commit?on?the?
Cloning a repository
$ git clone url ---> create a copy of the targeted repository
locally from remote
Syncing with remotes
$ git fetch origin master ---> Fetches master from origin
$ git fetch origin ---> Fetches all objects from origin
$ git fetch ---> Shortcut for “git fetch origin”
$ git pull ---> Fetch + merge
$ git push origin master ---> Pushes master to origin
$ git push ---> Shortcut for “git push origin master”
Sharing tags
$ git push origin v1.0 ---> Pushes tag v1.0 to origin
$ git push origin —delete v1.0
Sharing branches
$ git branch -r ---> Shows remote tracking branches
$ git branch -vv ---> Shows local & remote tracking
$ git push -u origin test ---> Pushes test to origin
$ git push -d origin test ---> Removes test from origin
Managing remotes:
$ git remote ---> Shows remote repos
$ git remote add upstream url ---> Adds a new remote called upstream
$ git remote rm upstream ---> Remotes upstream
Rewriting History
Undoing commits:
$ git reset --soft HEAD^ ---> Undo the last commit, keeps changed
$ git reset --mixed HEAD^ ---> Unstages the changes from last commit,
keeps changes in Working directory
$ git reset --hard HEAD^ ---> Discards any changes made after commit
4in both staging and working directory
Reverting commits:
$ git revert 755656ea ---> Reverts the given commit
$ git revert HEAD~3.. ---> Reverts the last three commits
$ git revert --no-commit HEAD~3
Recovering lost commits:
$ git reflog ---> Shows the history of HEAD
$ git reflog show test ---> Shows the history of test pointer
Amending the last commit:
$ git commit --amend
Interactive rebasing:
$ git rebase -i HEAD~5