Day 18: Using dbt with GitLab CI/CD Pipeline
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Day 18: Using dbt with GitLab CI/CD Pipeline

In today’s article, we’ll delve into integrating dbt with GitLab's CI/CD pipeline, a crucial step for automating dbt workflows and ensuring that your data models go through a robust development lifecycle. We’ll cover setting up a directory structure for dbt and GitLab CI, defining environment variables for different stages (test, build, deploy), and walking through an example of a CI/CD configuration file. Let's get started!

Directory Structure

A well-organized directory structure ensures that your dbt project and GitLab CI/CD pipelines work seamlessly together. Here’s an example structure that keeps everything tidy:


├── .gitlab-ci.yml             # CI/CD configuration file
├── dbt_project.yml            # dbt project configuration
├── profiles.yml               # dbt connection profiles (excluded from version control)
├── models                     # Folder for dbt models
│   ├── staging                # Staging models
│   └── marts                  # Business logic models
├── seeds                      # Static data
├── snapshots                  # For snapshots
├── tests                      # For dbt tests
└── ci-scripts                 # Custom scripts for CI/CD if needed

  • dbt_project.yml: This is your dbt project’s configuration file. It contains project-level settings like where your models are stored and how they’re structured.
  • profiles.yml: This file holds your connection details to different environments (dev, staging, prod). It should be kept out of version control for security reasons.
  • .gitlab-ci.yml: This file defines the pipeline stages and jobs for GitLab CI/CD.
  • ci-scripts/: This folder contains any custom scripts that may be required in the CI/CD process.

Setting Up GitLab CI/CD Pipeline

1. Defining Environment Variables for Different Stages

Environment variables are critical for securely passing credentials, dbt profiles, and configurations into the CI/CD pipeline. GitLab CI allows defining variables at the project or group level, which are then available during pipeline execution.

  • Go to Settings > CI/CD in GitLab.
  • Under the Variables section, add environment-specific variables such as database credentials, schema names, or dbt profile paths. Here’s a typical example of variables you might define:

Variables section

2. The .gitlab-ci.yml File

The .gitlab-ci.yml file orchestrates the CI/CD pipeline by defining stages (e.g., test, build, deploy) and the jobs within each stage.

Here’s a basic example for dbt:

#yaml file:

  - test
  - build
  - deploy

# Test Stage: Run dbt tests on the dev environment
  stage: test
  image: fivetran/dbt:latest
    - export DBT_ENV="dev"
    - dbt deps  # Install dependencies
    - dbt seed --profiles-dir $DBT_PROFILES_DIR --target $DBT_TARGET
    - dbt run --profiles-dir $DBT_PROFILES_DIR --target $DBT_TARGET
    - dbt test --profiles-dir $DBT_PROFILES_DIR --target $DBT_TARGET
    - merge_requests  # Run tests only on MRs
    DBT_PROFILES_DIR: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/profiles  # Path to the dbt profiles directory
    DBT_TARGET: "dev"  # Run against the dev environment

# Build Stage: Build models in the staging environment
  stage: build
  image: fivetran/dbt:latest
    - export DBT_ENV="staging"
    - dbt run --profiles-dir $DBT_PROFILES_DIR --target $DBT_TARGET
    - develop  # Run on the develop branch
    DBT_TARGET: "staging"

# Deploy Stage: Deploy models in the production environment
  stage: deploy
  image: fivetran/dbt:latest
    - export DBT_ENV="prod"
    - dbt run --profiles-dir $DBT_PROFILES_DIR --target $DBT_TARGET
    - main  # Run only on the main branch
    DBT_TARGET: "prod"

3. Explanation of the .gitlab-ci.yml Components

  • Stages: We’ve defined three stages: test, build, and deploy. Each stage corresponds to a step in the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Image: The pipeline uses the fivetran/dbt Docker image, which comes pre-installed with dbt.
  • Script: Each job runs a set of dbt commands:dbt deps: Install the dependencies specified in packages.yml.dbt seed: Load seed data (useful for static datasets).dbt run: Build and materialize models.dbt test: Run data tests to ensure model quality.
  • Only: We’ve set only for specific branches, so tests only run on merge requests, builds on the develop branch, and deployments on the main branch.
  • Variables: We use environment variables for flexibility across environments (e.g., DBT_PROFILES_DIR, DBT_TARGET).

4. Setting Up Different Environments

In dbt, environments are defined by the profiles.yml file. This file typically contains configurations for dev, staging, and production environments. Here’s an example:


      type: postgres
      host: dev-database-host
      user: db_user
      password: db_password
      dbname: my_database
      schema: dev_schema
      type: postgres
      host: staging-database-host
      user: db_user
      password: db_password
      dbname: my_database
      schema: staging_schema
      type: postgres
      host: prod-database-host
      user: db_user
      password: db_password
      dbname: my_database
      schema: prod_schema
  target: dev  # Default target

In GitLab CI, we can control which target is used (e.g., dev, staging, prod) by passing the DBT_TARGET variable. The pipeline stages use this to switch environments.

Example Workflow

  1. Testing: The pipeline triggers the test stage on every merge request, where dbt tests are run against the development environment.
  2. Building: Once the code is merged into the develop branch, the build stage runs, deploying the models to the staging environment.
  3. Deploying: When the code is ready and merged into the main branch, the deploy stage is triggered, running the dbt models in the production environment.

Best Practices

  • Use Environment-Specific Credentials: Ensure sensitive credentials like database passwords are stored securely as GitLab environment variables.
  • Run Tests Early: Running dbt tests in the CI pipeline helps catch issues early before they reach production.
  • Monitor Pipelines: Keep an eye on your GitLab pipelines for failures and address them immediately to maintain data integrity.


Setting up dbt with GitLab CI/CD enables automated, consistent, and reliable deployment of your data models. By structuring your directory properly, defining environment variables, and setting up stages in .gitlab-ci.yml, you can manage the lifecycle of dbt models effectively across dev, staging, and production environments.

With this pipeline in place, your team can confidently iterate on data models while maintaining high standards for testing and deployment.

#dbt #gitlab #cicd #DataEngineering


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