Day 18 - Front Row Seat Secrets And Why It Impacts Your Future (1,000 days content creation challenge)
Ethan Musolini
CEO Success Africa, Executive Coach, HR Consultant, Author & Motivational Speaker
Today I attended an assembly for one of my children and finally something I have been reflecting about for almost 40 years clicked. Here it is…
What’s the criteria for letting some students take the front row in public performances (especially musical) and not others? Here are my assumptions…
One, they already have a gift in whatever they are working on and then they put in the required hours of practice to become amazing.
Two, demonstrated passion for what they are working on. You really see energy and emotion in their body language which is captivating enough to warrant being in front.
Three, following rules or the choreography. Why? Because if you are skilled and passionate but fail to follow the laid-out rules, processes or in this case the choreography, then, you will be kicked out.
What does this have to do with you?
Just think about why some students get to be In front rows unlike others and how you can incorporate those qualities in the way you conduct yourself.
I believe that if you inject more passion and dedication (putting in the hours to become better) in doing what works and avoiding what doesn’t, then, you will be in a greater place. In essence, whether it’s life, career or business, you will be pushed to the front row.
Let me know what your biggest take away or lesson is below. And you are welcome to share this with others because they might find this piece useful.
See you on the front row and God bless you forever!