Day 17: WWSF campaign - Prevention of ICT Dangers confronting Children
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the use and transmission of information. ICT encompasses computers, the Internet, mobile phones, television, radio, satellite systems, etc. ICTs are also tools for children’s empowerment and participation but at the same time, they may present a risk to children’s safety and well-being. In many corners of the world, children, and youth today grow up with ICTs as an integral part of their life, accentuating the need to teach children how to use ICTs and to protect them from the risks they are exposed to.?
"The Internet and ICTs heighten the potential impact of existing forms of violence, abuse and exploitation in, among others, the?following ways:?
? Children’s exposure to disturbing or potentially harmful content on websites, online forums, and blogs?
? Sale and sexual exploitation of children, which is committed or facilitated through new technologies?
? Proliferation of child sexual abuse images and materials and with this, increased levels of harm for the victims and increased levels of profits for criminal enterprises?
? Development of virtual networks of individuals whose principal interest lies in child sexual abuse or child trafficking and other forms of exploitation?
? Inappropriate contact with children and ‘grooming’ by an unknown adult(s)?
? Exposure to violent video games is linked to delinquency, fighting at school and during their free time as well as violent criminal behavior?
? Online pressure to make purchases or pay for services?
? Overuse of ICTs and Internet ‘addiction’?
? Generating and broadcasting of sexual content involving children?
? Children’s own?involvement in cybercrime and online scams." (
"Your child might be addicted to video?games if they exhibit the following signs:?
? Talk about their game(s) incessantly?
? Play for hours on end (I played for up to 14 hours a day when possible)?
? Get defensive when told about their excessive gaming habit?
? Get angry or explosive when made to stop?
? Sacrifice basic needs (e.g., sleep) in order to game?
? Hide or downplay time spent gaming?
? Seem preoccupied, depressed, or lonely." (
"In the context of COVID-19 school closures, paper-based and digital distance education platforms have become essential to the continued provision of education for all... Global estimates suggest that 826 million students are without a household computer, 706 million lack internet access at home, and another 56 million lack coverage by mobile 3G/4G networks."?
"It is estimated that only 10% of children’s viewing is spent watching children’s television, the other 90% is spent watching programs designed for adults."
Again, we refer you to our Prevention Kit, Page 62, for our ideas for action to use and share with your family and friends.
Please note that our selection of ideas for action is not an exhaustive list and you are free to follow whatever inspires you to be a change-maker in your community, school, place of work, wherever you are and question how can we look away from so much abuse and violence against children and youth in the world today that is breaking our hearts?
Don't forget our Focus:
"UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Target # 16.2 by 2030:
"end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children"
As always, I end with a reminder of our online workshop, "How to create your Community Circle of Compassion" to speed up the achievement of the SDG Target 16.2 mentioned above.
Elly Pradervand, WWSF President and CEO, Women's World Summit Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland