?? Day 17 of 365: Functions and Lambda Expressions ??

?? Day 17 of 365: Functions and Lambda Expressions ??

Hey everyone! It’s Day 17, and today’s all about functions! ??

Welcome to Day 17 of my #365DaysOfDataScience journey! ??

We’ve been learning how to control the flow of our code, and now we’re taking it to the next level with functions — a key part of writing reusable and clean code in Python. I’m learning this right along with you, so let’s dive in together!

?? What We’ll Be Doing Today:

1. Defining and Calling Functions in Python??

???Functions are like mini-programs we can reuse. We’ll learn how to define our own functions, pass in different arguments, and get results back with return values. If you ever wanted to make your code more efficient, functions are your best friends!

2. Arguments, Keyword Arguments, and Return Values??

???We’ll explore how functions can take in different types of inputs (arguments) and how to work with keyword arguments. Plus, we’ll see how to return values back from a function.

3. Introduction to Lambda Functions??

???We’ll also dive into Python’s lambda expressions — these are like little anonymous functions that come in handy when you need something quick and simple. We’ll go over when and how to use them.

?? Learning Resources:

- Read: Check out the sections on functions from W3Schools or RealPython — both are great resources for grasping the concepts.??

- Watch: A quick YouTube tutorial on functions and lambda expressions to solidify what we’re learning today.

?? Today’s Task:

- Write a Python function that:

??1. Takes a list of numbers and returns the squares of those numbers.

??2. Do this using both a regular function and a lambda expression. (Let’s compare how these two approaches work side by side!)

Feel free to experiment with the code — try adding more features to the function or exploring different use cases for lambdas. I’m excited to see what we all come up with!


Extra Resources ??

Check out this great tutorial by Mosh Hamedani on his YouTube channel Programming With Mosh on Python Functions

>> https://youtu.be/u-OmVr_fT4s?si=h3fO0i_xu29u6JN0

Happy Learning and see you soon!


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