Day 15: Thoughtful and Decisive
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
I invite you to read my post yesterday on Certitude. I suggest doing so as I woke this morning to do my Virtues Pick for the day, and it was...
Certitude demands it. In order to be certain, one must give considered thought around that of which we can be certain. Certainty is a rarity but it exists. As I ponder Day 15 and the work and play ahead, I am cognizant that I will spend some early reflecting one more time on my vision for 20022020 ... to be certain. As we think on Thoughfulness, I challenge you to understand that our common perception of it being Kindness is not quite accurate. Thoughtful people think about there actions. Practicing Thoughtfulness demands that we do so. That can manifest itself as Kindness. But Thoughtfulness is more. It is observant, considerate, discerning and supports and strengthens our Decisiveness.
Be certain of that for which you can and must be. Read yesterday's post. Then be thoughful around your own need and reality for certainty. Decide upon that, and move forward.
I will be sharing more this Friday on same.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy
- Character Matters
- broadCAST October 2018
- Developing Character Leadership
- The Character of Leadership