Day-15 Halfway There! The Epic 30-Day Challenge: Mind-Blowing Adventures Await!
Hello Team Linkedin,
Welcome to Day - 15, the grand finale of our Exponential Mindset journey!
Take a gander at this fascinating list comparing the top - 10 market-cap companies in 2008 (on the left) with their 2018 counterparts (on the right). Behold, the rise of the "exponential organization"!
Over the past two decades, a new "species of the company" has emerged, wielding the power of 10x impact (which we'll dive into even deeper during the Moonshot Mindset).
The modern titans of success, like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, and Facebook, are the ones "crushing it" with their innovative prowess. They're embracing wild ideas and taking them for a spin in the experimental playground. In this exponential realm, nimble entrepreneurs run countless experiments, gather data, and iterate their business models and algorithms.
I've said it time and again, change is the only constant, and the pace of change is ramping up. Standstill equals doom, while constant experimentation and innovation thrive (think Darwinian evolution on warp speed).
Jeff Bezos, the luminary behind Amazon's triumphs, once revealed the secret to their success: "Our success at Amazon is a function of how many experiments we do per year, per month, per week, per day…."
Jeff Holden, the mastermind of experimental engines at Amazon, Groupon, and Uber, seconds that sentiment: "Build your company as a big experimental engine, right from the get-go."
But transforming your company into an experimental powerhouse is no piece of cake; it's a cultural shift. You must embody the mindset of perpetual testing – crazy ideas, novel business models, groundbreaking products, and trailblazing processes.
Let's take Uber, for instance. They run thousands of experiments each month, probing various features and A/B testing core elements to select the most potent ones.
"Build a team inside your organization that has an experimental ethos, and make sure that the experiment, value proposition, and hypothesis are thought through before you invest the time and energy actually to do them."
Leaders with an exponential mindset fully grasp the might of data-driven decision-making. No longer do they rely on mere human "hunches." In this era of exponentiality, questioning, collecting data, and arriving at precise answers are the pillars of becoming an exponential organization.
Enter the era of Abundant Data – where you can know anything, anywhere, anytime, thanks to the proliferation of omnipresent sensors.
I call it the epoch of abundant knowledge – a time when information flows like a river, accessible at your fingertips, anytime you desire – a time of radical transparency.
Today, we're basking in the presence of approximately 50 billion connected devices, set to generate over 600 zettabytes of information. And brace yourself, by 2030, this number will skyrocket to 500 billion devices as part of the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything – a global web of cameras, cars, AR glasses, drones, and satellites.
In this exponential future, the questions you ask will outweigh what you already know. Imagine the wonders we can uncover, courtesy of ubiquitous sensors:
Who triggered that traffic mishap?
How's my competitor faring?
Where did that gunshot originate?
What hue of dress rules Friday nights in Sydney?
What's the prevalence of heart disease or Alzheimer's in my neighbourhood?
Who, pray to tell, are the happiest souls in the HVAC&R industry?
Now, as an exhilarating Exponential Exercise, inspired by the Naval's guide on how to get rich, craft a Twitter thread about a unicorn company that captivates you. Use the hashtag #Pioneerair to share your brilliance!
Here's an example thread to spark your imagination and guide you along the way.
Tomorrow, we bid farewell to our Exponential Mindset lessons with a thrilling glimpse at the top 10 meta-trends transforming our exponential world this decade. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Best wishes,
Uncle George