Day 14 Task: Linux & Git-GitHub Cheat Sheet

Day 14 Task: Linux & Git-GitHub Cheat Sheet

For today's task, I’ve created a concise, easy-to-follow cheat sheet that not only consolidates my learning but will serve as a quick reference in the future. Here’s a glimpse of the commands and their descriptions:

Linux Cheat Sheet ??

  • ls: Lists files and directories
  • cd: Changes the current directory
  • chmod: Modifies file permissions
  • grep: Searches for patterns in files
  • ps: Displays active processes
  • kill: Terminates a process by PID
  • tar: Archives files (tarballs)

Git & GitHub Cheat Sheet ??

  • git init: Initializes a new Git repository
  • git status: Shows the current status of files in the repository
  • git add: Stages changes for commit
  • git commit: Saves changes to the local repository
  • git log: Displays the history of commits
  • git diff: Shows changes between commits
  • git push: Sends local changes to a remote repository
  • git pull: Retrieves and merges changes from a remote repository
  • git branch: Lists and manages branches
  • git merge: Merges changes from one branch into another
  • git reset: Resets the state of your working directory
  • git stash: Temporarily saves your work and clears the working directory

Creating this cheat sheet has been a great way to consolidate my knowledge and provide something valuable to the DevOps community. It’s not just a set of commands but a reflection of the practical experience I've gained along the way.

I’m excited to continue this journey, gaining more skills and sharing valuable insights with the community! #DevOpsJourney #Linux #Git #GitHub #Automation #Day14

Day 14 Quick Summary:

  • Task: Created a Linux & Git-GitHub Cheat Sheet, consolidating all the essential commands and concepts learned so far.
  • Focus Areas: Key Linux commands: ls, cd, chmod, grep, ps, kill, tarEssential Git commands: init, add, commit, status, log, push, pull, branch, merge
  • Outcome: A well-documented, easy-to-use reference sheet for Linux and Git, designed to aid future projects and share with the DevOps community.
  • Next Steps: Continue refining skills and tackling more advanced DevOps tools and concepts in the challenge.

#Day14 #DevOpsChallenge #Linux #Git #GitHub #CheatSheet


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