Day 14 of running 55 miles in October to save Jo’s marbles (for Alzheimer's Research UK) Progress: 39/55 miles.

Day 14 of running 55 miles in October to save Jo’s marbles (for Alzheimer's Research UK) Progress: 39/55 miles.

Jo was in London today speaking at a conference at Amazon HQ.

Amazon HQ is a-m-a-z-I-n-g!

The journey to Amazon was uneventful. Jo and Sian Humphreys navigated from Liverpool Street to Amazon HQ, in the rain, with the help of google maps. Jo congratulating herself for having listened in Geography and being able to read a map. Cutting through various buildings and taking shortcuts to get to their destination by the shortest route.

The journey home was more eventful. Jo and Sian went their separate ways at Liverpool Street. Jo needed a wee, so Sian, made her way home whilst Jo went find a toilet on the main concourse.

Jo was confident that if she got the District and Circle line to Euston Square, it was just a short walk to Euston mainline station. That is, of course, as long as you come out of Euston Square tube at the right exit and don't turn the wrong way because you think you're on the Euston Road.

If you do, you walk down Tottenham Court Road, wondering why you can see the Centrepoint building and why you just walked past University College Hospital!

Jo walked past a homeless guy, gave him a nod, and dropped a £1 in his hat. As she rounded the corner, into Grafton Road, she realised she was walking in completely the wrong direction. She turned round, came back round the corner, gave the homeless guy another nod and hoped he didn’t think she was a complete loon.

Needless to say, Jo managed to walk 4.7 miles in totally inappropriate footwear. Her feet hurt.

A million thank you's to those people who’ve already donated. You’re all amazing!

If you’d like to keep me motivated, here’s the link to donate. We’re at £400. I'd love to get to £500.00.


Jo Leckie ?? (Assoc CIPD, Cert CIH)的更多文章

