Day 13 The Question #NaPoWriMo
Shruti Shankar Gaur, Ph.D.
Founder RIEDU || Ph.D. Inclusive Education II Inclusion & Diversity II Poet II Social Thinker II An Empath with a Curious Mind II
Day 13 The Question
The Question
I was preparing to leave,
When a question was thrown at me,
By my BFF, And by now you know who he is,
"What's the difference between trust & faith?"
Bewildered, I responded,
"They appear the same."
"Think about it,
We will discuss this when you return,
In the meantime let us contemplate."
The rule was, we won't google,
just tack our brains,
Dig deep to find some remains.
We can trust God,
We can have faith in people,
We can have faith in God,
We can trust people.
I thought & thought,
But couldn't find the knot,
They could be easily replaced,
they still appeared the same.
Are they synonyms?
or confusing pseudonyms.
Exuding confidence, I declared,
Choosing the words with care,
To a layman, they might appear the same,
However, I am sure they are similar
but not the same.
The difference isn't significant
That's for sure
One can find it in folklore.
My fil smiled,
Yes, they are similar but not the same,
But the difference I also couldn't name,
It's so subtle, I am sure,
And our findings match with folklore.
Thus, we googled together,
And found the eternal truth whatsoever,
Trust & Faith vary in degree.
With Faith exceeding in the decree,
For trust to be promoted to faith,
One had to practice trust time & again.
And when we trust with all our hearts,
Does trust metamorphose into faith.
It was a revelation,
An answer to my prayers,
How do we develop faith in the unknown?
How do we hold on to faith?
Do we need courage or intellect?
How do we guarantee?
Through my fil, the answer found me.
We need to build trust,
Day by day,
Step by Step,
Slowly practice but with thrust,
Start to trust everything & everyone,
Start to trust the entire process.
Faith will come looking for you,
And carry you,
From known to the unknown.