Day 13 / Focus / 91 Perfect Days Challenge.

Day 13 / Focus / 91 Perfect Days Challenge.

Welcome to the Wealth Creators 91 perfect days challenge. Where our mission is to help you to create, preserve, and enjoy a life of abundance.

Starting right now.

Today's reading is titled; Focus.

Focus is the act of channeling all your actions and activities into achieving a desired objective. Focussed behavior doesn't just happen by chance.

It happens when we take the time necessary to regularly look at our own behavior and then choose what needs to be done each and every day in order to obtain our goal. This requires a lot of personal discipline and the ability to shield yourself from the distractions of everyday events or other opportunities.

You need to be focused like a laser to get anything worthwhile done.

Unfortunately, as time passes. The concentration necessary to keep focused is continually under assault from things like boredom, new objectives, and other opportunities.

Many people start out with a clear objective but find themselves distracted by the next big thing.

Don't get distracted.

Focus on completing one goal, before moving on to the next.

If success is a house. You need to lay each brick as perfectly as you possibly can before moving on to the next. Focus all your TEMS on one task at a time,

Multi-tasking is the opposite of focus.

There are two different types of activities that are often referred to as multitasking.

One is combining a mindless routine activity as you focus on another. Such a tying your shoe while you talk on the phone. This kind of multitasking actually works, and it may actually improve your concentration.

However, the other type of multitasking... also known as rapid task-switching involves trying to juggle two or more activities at once. That requires equal and total concentration.

For example, writing a blog post and trying to have a conversation on instant messenger.

When you divide your focus, tasks take longer to achieve than they should. None of the tasks are getting your full attention. And you will therefore not get the results that you hoped for.

For large goals, you are going to use long-term focus. This requires being dedicated to your goal and focused on achieving it over a long period of time. Whereas quick tasks and actions require short-term concentration.

Biting down and getting it done quickly. A handy trick is to use a timer to focus on the task at hand for a set amount of time.

Take a break and knock out some of the smaller items on your to-do list and then set the timer and focus again.

To stay focused on your goal - your goals need to be specific and clearly defined.

Today`s Challenge;

Stay focused on your goal by reviewing it multiple times a day. Remember why this goal is important to you. Focus your attention on what excites you about your goal.

Quick Recap;

Great success requires a single-minded focus. So get rid of distractions and focus on what needs to be done.

If you improve your focus and concentration, you will be more productive. Less frustrated by distractions.

How to take action Right Now;

Determine where you are currently multitasking important activities or tasks necessary to achieve your goals.

Plan a strategy and allocate a set time where you can focus on each task in its own time.

Take focused action on one task at a time.

Your point of attention needs to be on your goals, all day every day for this 91 perfect day challenge.

Always remember that in order to create a perfect life, you must make sure that today will be a perfect day. And in creating perfect days, there will never be another day in your life that won't require responsibility, intent, time, effort, right mindsets, and massive massive action.

Consistently doing what needs to be done is the only way to get the results you want.

Every action that you take today will either move you one step closer or one step away from your goals. Therefore if you want to guarantee that you live a massively successful life.

I challenge you to make today a Perfect day.


For more information on the Wealth Creators method;


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