Day 13 - "Cry and run" – what a teacher told my 9 year old daughter & why it’s timeless advice for all ages (1,000 days content creation challenge)

Day 13 - "Cry and run" – what a teacher told my 9 year old daughter & why it’s timeless advice for all ages (1,000 days content creation challenge)

One day my daughter fell on concrete while playing at school. She got multiple bruises on her knees and elbows. She was crying amidst the pain pouring through her.

“I told her that when such a thing happens, you cry a bit, get up and run. She pointed at more wounds that she had and my message was still the same – yes, you still get up and run”

her English teacher narrated the story to me yesterday.

I nodded in agreement and pride over the lesson passed unto my daughter because in life, career and business, there are many falls. The question is, what do you do?

There are some people who cry for ages

Others stay on the ground for ages

Others stay on the ground while crying for ages

A few cry for a little while, stay on the ground briefly but then, they quickly dry the tears, get up and run. Not walk but run to catch up with the lost time. Those are the winners. Those are the champions. And that’s the message my daughter’s teacher was attempting to pass on. It’s timeless advice for all ages.

Why am I sharing this story with you?

Because time might come when you fall down as you pursue your goals or dreams. When that happens, remember to…

Cry a bit (optional), then, get up quickly and run faster to catch up.

Let me know your thoughts below and you are welcome to share this with someone who might find this advice useful.

God bless you forever.



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