Day 122 - When a sports team fails, the leader is fired first because... (1,000 days content creation challenge)

Day 122 - When a sports team fails, the leader is fired first because... (1,000 days content creation challenge)

I am a sports fan. In sports, when a team fails for a long time, the first person to fire is the leader. Typically called a manager or coach. In the premier league, I Am an Arsenal fan and some coaches have been fired in the last few years.

Manchester united? Ten Hag was fired recently and I bet results will most likely improve for reasons I do not want to get into now.

The leader sets the purpose and pace.

What does this mean for you and I?

If your team is struggling, we need to look closely at the person at the helm. Usually that's where the challenge is.

If you are the team lead, then, you are either driving your team to high performance or poor performance. You are either driving them nuts or leading them to the pinnacle of success.

In other words, just look in the mirror and you will be able to see a saviour or problem. Your will see a victor or victim of self-inflicted downfall.

This will help you to be brutally honest when things are not going your way. You will dance to the tunes of the truth. And the truth shall set you free to make it to the promised land.

Are you leading a winning or losing team?


Great perspective

Livia Naturinda

Dream Big, keep your hope alive.

3 周

Football brings the point home- Thank you Ethan Musolini for the free insights


