Day 12/100: Adding a Custom Widget in Magento 2 ??
Pratik Koshti
?? PHP Developer @Entrata | Magento 2 Specialist | eCommerce Backend Developer
Welcome to Day 12 of my Magento 2 journey! Today, we’ll learn how to create a custom widget in Magento 2. Widgets allow users to easily add custom content or functionality to CMS pages, blocks, and layouts from the Magento admin panel.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Widget:
1) Create the widget.xml Configuration
Widgets in Magento 2 are defined through widget.xml. This file specifies the widget's parameters and settings.
Here’s the content for widget.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<widgets xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/widget.xsd">
<widget id="pratdemon_customwidget" class="Pratdemon\CustomWidget\Block\Widget\CustomWidget" is_enabled="true">
<label>Pratdemon Custom Widget</label>
<description>This is a custom widget created for demonstration purposes.</description>
<parameter name="custom_text" xsi:type="text">
<label>Custom Text</label>
<description>Enter the custom text to display in the widget.</description>
2) Create the Widget Block Class
Next, create the block class that will handle rendering the widget.
Here’s the content for CustomWidget.php:
namespace Pratdemon\CustomWidget\Block\Widget;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;
use Magento\Widget\Block\BlockInterface;
class CustomWidget extends Template implements BlockInterface
protected $_template = 'widget/customwidget.phtml';
public function getCustomText()
return $this->getData('custom_text');
3) Create the Template File
This template will render the content of the widget on the frontend.
Here’s the content for customwidget.phtml:
<?php if ($block->getCustomText()): ?>
<div class="custom-widget-text">
<h2><?php echo $block->escapeHtml($block->getCustomText()); ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
This file checks if the custom text is set, and then it displays the text inside an HTML div block.
4) Module Registration and Declaration
Make sure your module is registered and declared correctly.
Module Registration (registration.php):
Module Declaration (module.xml):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="Pratdemon_CustomWidget" setup_version="1.0.0"/>
5) Add the Widget in Admin Panel
Now, to use the widget:
How the Custom Widget Works:
That’s it! You’ve now created a fully functional custom widget in Magento 2. This widget can be easily configured by admins to display custom content on the frontend. Widgets are a powerful tool for creating reusable, configurable components that enhance the CMS capabilities of Magento.
Stay tuned for the next challenge as we explore more Magento 2 features!