Day 12: Is life slowing down a little?
As we spend time in lockdown there isn't much to do other than work in my basement and get our for some fresh air. There's no socialising. The kids have no activities. The rugby club is closed so there are no committee meetings. On a normal weekend I'd be at 3 or 4 sporting events with the family, now there are none. I'm not dropping my daughter at dance classes. I had time this weekend to spend 12 hours in the garden, that's unheard of.
I can't wait to get out of lockdown, don't get me wrong about that. But are we being forced to reset a bunch of things as a result of this pandemic? And are these going to be for the better in the long run? Were we ever going to reduce carbon emissions while the airline industry was growing? People tell me the skies and waters are clearer than they have been in a long time (I've not checked whether these statements are actually true). The cost of this in terms of jobs and the economy will be enormous and I don't think anyone would ever have voluntarily made these changes due to the adverse impact it's having on many people. But will we have an unintended consequence of a healthier planet that's being set up for future generations? And will we all slow down a little to enjoy the simple things rather than racing from place to place thinking that being busy is the sign of a well lead life?
Maybe we have a good opportunity to reset a few things, hopefully for the better.
Some heavy thoughts today. I hope everyone out there is staying healthy.