Day 12 ~ Everyday with Christ ...
1 Samuel 16:7 ~ But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
If truly-honest. We all judged someone. Why is it seemingly easier to judge than accept? Is it because it takes effort to know someone? Is it because tattoos, scars, appearances are intimidating? Is it because we’re scared, intimidated or maybe afraid? Is a disability making us uncomfortable? Is it because we feel inadequate? Maybe we’re just too busy. Just maybe it’s easier not to look. Maybe we just don’t agree with their lifestyle. Just maybe judging frees up our time. Maybe we’re on a predetermined schedule. Taking the time would interfere. It could be things like technology, shopping, hobbies, or sports, or perhaps the comfortable excuse that someone else will do it. It’s not my responsibility. Never forget the time when someone intentionally engaged our life. They put aside their personal agenda to be in our life of brokenness. You became a priority. ?
????????Will there ever be the perfect time? Will you ever not be busy? Let’s remember life is better lived together than on our own. Everyone will experience life’s brokenness. Everyone needs to feel acceptance. Everyone needs a friend. That person who comes into our life when the world goes out. That person who feels our brokenness, who cares enough about us to get personally ?involved. Who overlooked our imperfections to become a piece of our life? If we are not intentional in looking into the heart, we will miss God’s anointed gifts for our life. It’s within the heart where we experience life-changing hope. It’s within the mind where thoughts feel life-changing acceptance. It’s within the soul where we experience life-changing love. It’s not outward appearances, but within the inner-core of life within hearts, minds, souls. ?
????????So disciples of Christ Jesus. Let’s not get stuck on the things of this world wearing away on the outside appearance. Let’s look deep into the inner-core of life. Let’s try hard to feel what is living within hearts. Let’s try hard to understand what is brewing within minds. Let’s try hard to realize what emotions are living within souls. This might not be easy. It might even be extremely challenging. But to live life at its very best is engaging real people living real life. It’s intentionally seeing beyond this world of brokenness. Its feeling what God is doing on the inside of real hearts, real minds, real souls. Within this day we will engage real people judged by the ways of this world. You are a living disciple. Be bold. Be courageous. Be fearless in being non-judgmental. Look for what God is actively doing. Not what the ways of this world is teaching. This will be living-out life at its very best within God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit ~ Amen?...
Michael J Zenner