Day 11 Task: Linux & Github cheat-sheet
Maninder Singh
AWS || Networking || Docker || Mentor & Tutor || System Engineer Antier Solution
In the Previous tasks, I have uploaded the Devops basics, Linus, shell Scripting, Git & GitHub. Now in these task we are learn Linux and GitHub commands.
Linux Commands:
# To check your present working directory:
# List of all the files or directories
# Lists hidden files or directories:
ls -a
# Create new directory:
mkdir <directory name>
# Multiple directory creation:
mkdir -p A/B/C/D
# Remove directory
rmdir <directory name>
# remove multiple directories.
rm -rf <directory name>
# Remove files:
rm <file name>
# change directory
cd <path where to move>
# create an empty file
touch <file name>
# copy file
cp <source path> <destination path>
# move file
mv <source path> <destination path>
# To write some content inside a file
# To read the content without open a file
echo <message> > file name
cat <file name>
# history (for check all running commands)
# search a word
grep string <file name>
# return the specified number of lines from the top
head /etc/passwd
# Return the specified number of lined from the bottom.
tail /etc/passwd
# To show the disk space
df -H
File Permissions:
# to change the permission of a file
# To change the file or directory ownership
sudo chown <username> <filename>
# To change the group ownership
sudo chgrp <groupname> <filename>
User Managemnet:
# To create a new user
sudo add user <username>
# To set a password for user
sudo passwd <username>
Git Commands:
After Linux cheat sheet, now let us discuss the Git cheat sheet
# to initialise empty git repository, transforms the current directory into a git.list of all remote repositories.
# Clone an existing repository:
# Add files and changes from the working directory to the staging area.
# Add all current directory files to git:
# Commit all the staged files to git.
# To show the status of git repository:
Git Branch
# To list of all the branches
# Create a new branch:
# For going to specific branch:
# for creating and going to that branch:
Remote Origin:
# list of all remote repositories that are currently connected to local repository
# To add remote origin url:
# To remove remote orgin url:
# To upload local repository content to a remote repository
# To pull your remote repository content to local repository
# To fetech down all the branches form the git remote
To check you git commit logs:
Git configuration
# To set a author name for all the commits by the current user:
# To set author email to be used for all the commits by the user:
# To merge the 2 branches in Git:
Thank you for reading this article!!
Happy Learning !!
Next Topic:
Day 12: Basics of Python!!
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