Day 106 – The 11-year-old who wanted to pay me back (1,000 days content creation challenge)
Ethan Musolini
CEO Success Africa, Executive Coach, HR Consultant, Author & Motivational Speaker
About two months, I got inspired to gift a group of Primary school children with their expenses while at a school canteen where my daughters go to school.
I told the canteen attendant to supply each child with what they wanted to take and give me the total bill. The number of children were about 8-10. There was no logical reason other than inspiration.
Today, I was at the same school to deliver a talk to P7 candidates and a young boy stopped me. I found out that he is in primary five. I suspect he is about 11 years old.
Boy – “Sir, last time when you were here, you bought for us some stuff at the canteen. Is there a way I can pay you back?” He inquired while looking at me straight in my eyes.
Me – “No, my dear. It was a gift from me to you. No need to pay back”
Boy – “Thank you”
I hugged the boy. I told him how I was so impressed. I gave him my business card to share it with the parents because I would love to thank them for an amazing upbringing they are instilling in the young man.
When I share the story with one of the deputy head teachers, he was impressed too.
Me – “Can you imagine us at his age thinking like that?”
Deputy head teacher – “Instead we would be asking for more”
Me – “Exactly”
Looking back, the gift I gave this young man was just thousands of Ugandan Shillings. What I received back from him today in form of insight and experience is worth thousands of US dollars. He reminded me of the old adage – the more you give, the more you receive.
It seems to me this is someone being groomed to take care of himself. To take responsibility and not to rely on other people.
It’s also clear to me how parenting is crucial in how we view the world. Thank you young man for waking me up.