Day 104 - The messenger is more important than the message. You are the message. Work on yourself first before working on the message (1,000 days cont
Ethan Musolini
CEO Success Africa, Executive Coach, HR Consultant, Author & Motivational Speaker
In communication people pay a lot of attention to the message and often ignore the messenger. Yet, the messenger is even more important than the message itself.
Think about it…
The people we admire can say anything and we will find brilliance in every anecdote. It might even be something basic but we will rationalise on how brilliant it is. Yet, for someone we do no like or respect might say something three times more brilliant than your favoured personality and we will not give them any attention.
Even in the romantic space, the same principle holds true…
If you have ever fallen in love, the one you truly love can say anything and you would still smile. The reverse is true.
This brings to the power of the messenger and why we should work harder on the messenger than the message itself.
What areas do you need to pay attention to in terms of working on yourself as a messenger?
Your character
Your results
Your style
Your knowledge
Your energy
Your fitness
Your attitude
Your skill sets
You are welcome to add as many points as possible which influence your image and brand as a messenger.
What next then…
Just ask yourself…
"What do I need to work on to improve who I Am as a personal and professional?"
Once you come up with the answers, start working on yourself because the better you become, the better your communications will be received.
Just to clarify, I am not saying that the message is not important. It is. Only that the messenger is even more important. The right messenger with an average message will outperform a wrong messenger with an excellent message.
You are the message. Work on you first before working on the message. Once people acknowledge you, then, your message will receive more attention. Your persuasion will become easier.