Day 10 Task: Advance Git & GitHub for DevOps Engineers.
Git Branching
Git branching is a powerful feature that allows developers to work on different parts of a project simultaneously without interfering with each other's code. Branching is essentially a way to create a separate line of development within a Git repository. Here are some key concepts related to Git branching:
1. Main Branch:
- In many repositories, the default or main branch is where the latest stable version of the code is kept. It is often named "main" or "master."
2. Creating a New Branch:
- To create a new branch, you can use the following command:
git branch branch_name
- This creates a new branch but does not switch to it. To switch to the new branch, you can use:
git checkout branch_name
or, in more recent Git versions:
git switch branch_name
Alternatively, you can combine branch creation and switching with:
git checkout -b branch_name
git switch -c branch_name
3. Viewing Branches:
- To see a list of all branches in your repository and identify the current branch, you can use:
git branch
- The branch with an asterisk (*) next to it is the currently active branch.
4. Merging Branches:
- Once you've completed work on a branch and want to incorporate those changes back into the main branch, you can merge the branches:
git checkout main # Switch to the main branch (replace "main" with your branch name).
git merge branch_name # Merge the changes from the specified branch into the current branch.
- This creates a new commit that combines the changes from both branches.
5. Deleting Branches:
- After merging a branch, you might want to delete it if it's no longer needed:
git branch -d branch_name
This removes the branch, but if there are unmerged changes, Git will prevent the deletion. To force deletion, you can use -D:
git branch -D branch_name
6. Remote Branches:
- Remote branches exist on the remote repository (e.g., on GitHub, GitLab). To fetch remote branches to your local repository:
git fetch origin
- To create a local branch that tracks a remote branch:
git checkout -b local_branch_name origin/remote_branch_name
- To push a new local branch to the remote repository:
git push origin local_branch_name
Branching in Git is a fundamental part of collaborative development, allowing multiple developers to work on different features or bug fixes simultaneously and merge their changes seamlessly.