Day 10 Pick a Medium
Marketing Triangle
- Who (The market)
- What (Your offer)
- Where (The medium)
Old Mediums
There are five major ways people communicate to each other or convey the message to you or you see or hear for news and/or entertainment. I will first tell you what are the five old ways and what it has changed to today.
1. Postal Mails – If you are old enough, you know this is how we used to communicate with our friends and family.
2. Newspaper – This is how we used to get our news about politics, cinema, health, local events, adsetc…
3. Radio – This is next form of newspaper, where we hear the content in audio version
4. TV – This is one more step higher for News and Entertainment, visual content
5. Events, Rallies, Family functions etc – This is where we meet people in person, gather in large numbers and meet people whom we don’t meet on daily basis.
New Mediums
Now let us look at the medium that is changed for all of the above.
· Postal Mail is changed to EMAIL
· Newspaper is changed to Blogs, there are digital newspapers as well
· Radio is changed to Podcast
· TV is changed to YouTube
· Events, Functions, Rallies changed to Social Media like facebook, twitter etc…
So these are the mediums you can deliver your content and connect with your audience,
Now you need to choose which one you want to start with, I suggest you choose maximum of two in the beginning. If you are good at writing then blogs and email, if you are good at social media then social media and email, if you are good at videos then YouTube and email. So Email is a must.
You need to look at this as your channel of communication
Blog – Neil Patel
TV – Oprah Winfrey
Let’s look at each medium
Remember people buy for YOU and then the PRODUCT. Not the other way around, if that happens then that is out of your control and they have options to buy from anywhere else. Why they need to buy from you.
You MUST Build Your Brand, you are only going to be Internet Famous
So its NOT as hard as becoming real famous
Don’t think you need to know everything, you don’t need to and don’t wait. Create content based on what you know NOW.
There are people who are looking for knowledge/information that you know now.
Your friends and family may not know about this training and you are learning stuff that are NEW to them. You can create content based on this training.
Social Media
Easy to build and anything easy to build its hard to succeed. As anyone else can also do the same, so you need to work hard to stand out.
Once you are famous and/or people like your content than this is the fastest way to go viral. So you can become famous easily by a viral content. But you need to stand up to that viral content to stay relevant to your audience. Otherwise it is easy for people to forget as well.
Short Articles, Images, Short Videos, Live
It is the top medium for conversion and it can be automated
It’s a medium of permission marketing, where the user gave their email address.
This is the first stage for any customer.
They first become your lead and then they become your customer down the line.
This is how you are in my list.
You saw my ad or website or landing page somewhere on the internet and you entered your email address and that is how you are on this training.
That is why this medium is NOT optional it is a MUST
Video content it is NOT that hard to create video contents any more and it is easy for people to watch and learn. There are certain tricks you need to follow if you are interested in creating video content.
or example, you need to keep it short when you are starting, take “One Problem, One or Two Solutions and One CTA” in your videos.
If you are good with videos, this is recommended as It builds authority fast. When people see you live they trust you more.
Its not that popular in India
But still this is “On the go” content people can listen to you while driving, exercising, cooking etc.
Again easy consumption of your content and it builds authority fast as well. It is like you are on your own Radio Show. So if you position right this builds authority fast.
In my opinion this Is one of the time consuming medium to create content, you need to have passion to writing otherwise it shows in your article. Believe me I tried.
Its different writing for Social Media, even Emails in Email Marketing. But when it comes to Blog Article it’s a different story.
Today’s Task
Choose your Medium, Email medium is a MUST and choose one other medium.
If you are good at social media (not just at consuming information but being able to deliver your information in different formats and in engagement.
Videos – do videos if you are comfortable recording yourself.
Blogs – if you are passionate about writing.
Quote of the Day
We don’t fail because we aren’t smart, it’s because we’ve been lied to.
This game is all about testing different things until you hit the one that works.
Good Luck,
Sathish Krishna, Founder - HEAT