Day 1 @Intuit
And finally the wait is over! We board our cab from the hotel for the much awaited Day 1 at Intuit, with butterflies in the stomach making us excited and nervous at the same time!
After the smooth process of receiving badges, while we were configuring our laptops, we were thrilled to be invited for a session –“Fireside chat - A Padmashri awardee unpacking innovation!” and within 5 minutes, we were comfortably seated in the address hall!
For an eminent personality who was dressed up in a simple attire, but delivery of thoughts was extra-ordinary and captivating, in front of us were Dr. Kota Harinarayana!
From the very first minute of the talk, people got completely engrossed as if it was a general one-on-one conversation filled with humor and passion!
Defining innovation as the capability to convert concept into reality via technology and personal courage, he instilled pure confidence and strength among the crowd which was evident when the busy Intuitians closed their laptop they were working on to know the trick of “how success gives you confidence to succeed more ! “. [I could notice the laptops being closed as were seated in the fourth row!]
His only reason to choose engineering over medical being mugging less and moving to a bigger city from a small-town in Orissa enabled him to consider multi-linguality as a big strength.
Giving a brief history of 1960-61, India –China war where India lost and 1965’s India-Pakistan war wherein for the first time fighter planes were used, gave him the vision of “protection as a means of prosperity” as till that time anyone who could invade, was indeed invading India!
The need to develop a new, robust fighter plane was envisioned, being very well aware of the fact that aerospace development takes 2 decades!
The 3 main problems faced at that time were quoted as below:
1. Biggest challenge was to make organizations work together
2. There was 30 years of technology gap in India. Hence strategic thinking was the need of the hour
3. Insufficient manpower as 80% of the eligible folks were moving to USA
Solutions implemented by him were the clear illustration of the topic that he was talking about i.e “Innovation at scale “.
Solution: Organization innovation:
Being flexible. Doing tasks others are unwilling to do! Making small and medium sized industries and academics work together efficiently and effectively as the biggest contributors towards the vision.
His task was to enable the teams under him ensure that these small and medium sized industries are doing their job efficiently and providing all the assistance needed by emphasizing on their strengths and improving their weaknesses.
Hence, the concept of team-building innovation wherein you strengthen the teams who are working for you!
How such a team can bridge the 30 years technology gap and get a fighter plane flying!
The whole idea was to become the best leaders!
The biggest challenge of Indian society being quoted as “Risk aversion” wherein the suggestions made by him was – “To fail fast, so that you have enough time to succeed!“
Make yourself to stay not just for now, but for a much longer-run!
In the end, the effect of the session can be very well understood from the discussion happening in JW Marriott’s lunch wherein the current designation and power of the girl is being thought upon who worked with Dr. Kota 10-15 years back as a coder !
All in all, a fulfilling day with positivity all around the massage chairs and Zumba!
Thanks Intuit for an amazing experience!