Day 1 of #100daysofcode

Hi Everyone,

Let's start discussing how my 1st day of #100daysofcode went. Well on the first day, I hovered around a few topics like System Design, AWS Cloud, and DSA(How can I neglect that). Let me travel you around all of them.

System Design: I went across the fundamentals of System Design and came to know about a few major topics:

  1. CAP Theorem: This theorem says that in the case of distributed datastore systems in case of a network failure, it is only possible for a system to guarantee either data consistency or availability. It’s a tradeoff. At all other times, all three can be provided. But, in the event of a network failure, a choice must be made.
  2. Latency VS Throughput: Both of them measure the performance of a computer network. Latency refers to the time data takes to transfer across a network whereas Throughput is the average volume of data that can actually pass through the network over a specific time. It indicates the number of data packets that arrive at their destinations successfully and the data packet loss.
  3. ACID and BASE Transactions: ACID(Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) is basically a set of properties that are designed to ensure the reliability and consistency of database transactions. This comes in handy especially when the data integrity is a top priority for us but also its a bit harder to scale them because they have additional overhead. On the other hand BASE(Basically Available, Soft state, Eventually consistent) trades off near-term consistency for long-term stability. Although it assumes that all data will eventually become consistent, it cannot guarantee this. This approach is appropriate for high-volume distributed systems because it provides greater scalability and availability. It is often used in conjunction with NoSQL databases.

AWS Cloud: This was my grand highlight of the day. After digging around a variety of resources and articles and solving a lot of errors I finally integrated a CI/CD pipeline for one of my experiment projects through #githubactions . It might seem a bit funny to integrate a pipeline just as an experiment but I like doing things this way. Maybe you should try it sometime.

DSA: To your surprise, I solved only a few pattern questions which we used to mug up in school time, and tried to emphasize more on logic building rather than doing more and more questions.

Yeah, So that’s it for Day 1. Meet you on the 2nd Day Again.

?Cheers! ??


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