Day 05 - functions
We are starting the second week of the #ThoughtSpotAdventCalendar. So far, there's been a bit of basics and a pinch of magic performed by ThoughtSpot . Today we're going to raise the bar a bit and add a lot of possibilities.
In the previous days, whenever we chose a measure we used the default aggregation function which is usually the sum. I think most business users will mainly use this, but it may happen that you want to use another function. In the example below I have used the average. Using it comes down to typing it function name and then specifying the measure on which to perform it.
Of course, you can add attributes and count the values in each group. Simply add the required attribute as before.
The average is not the only applicable function. Below is an example of the use of the max function and its combination with an added attribute and filter. In this way, I counted what was the maximum number of pizza pieces in one order depending on the size for the selected pizza category.
Another important function is the count, which allows values to be counted. Particularly important will be its variant unique count which counts only unique occurrences. As you can guess, I want to use it to count the number of unique orders, so I will combine it with the OrderNumber attribute.
By the way, you can see that it is not a problem to combine two measures in one analysis. Finally, I switched the result to a table presentation to see just the numbers.
There are many more functions you can use. Here I have concentrated on the most important and frequently used ones. You are getting further and further on your way to analysing #data with #SpeedOfThought. And there's another window to be unveiled tomorrow.