Day 02 - filters
Dawid Rasa?a
Business Analysis | Data Analysis | Problem Solving | Data Storytelling | Business Strategy
It's time for the second day of the #ThoughtSpotAdventCalendar and the next step on the way to analysing data with #SpeedOfThought.
Yesterday was about how to set up analysis in ThoughtSpot using measures and attributes.
However, we do not always need to present all the results. Suppose we want to see results only for a selected size. We need to filter data. All you need to do is to write the values you want to filter. As you type value, ThoughtSpot shows you which attribute it is in.
The filters used appear detailed above the chart. You can add further values from the same or completely different attribute. In this way, you can create extensive filters.
The best is that You can enter measures, attributes and filters in any order, the effect will be the same. Even filter values from the same attribute can be entered in different places. You can be as creative as you want, nothing limits you.
Have fun and see you tomorrow.