The dawning day - Apep, MAAT & Thoth. A new MAAT is needed for a new World.
Figure 1: Image source:

The dawning day - Apep, MAAT & Thoth. A new MAAT is needed for a new World.

Apep, MAAT and Thoth

The Dawning Day Poem (?) much further below has parallels within ancient Egyptian myth and guiding principles noted here.

Figure 2: Apep an ancient Egyptian deity depicted as a giant serpent that embodied chaos. Apep was the opponent of light and MAAT or (wisdom, truth, balance justice, order and harmony). MAAT was the guiding social principle for Egypt something that is sadly lacking today. MAAT was a feminine principle while Thoth was its masculine wise protective consort. A modern day version of the principle of MAAT is urgently needed for humanity as a whole at this time.

A new version of MAAT as a universally accepted principle agreed to by all nations and all peoples could be used by all to guide and steer the individual, families, communities and humanity as a whole from the present worsening envelopment in destructive negative chaos. A new MAAT would be a focusing principle and spirit through which all of our thoughts, words and actions reflect our individual and collective aim to do our highest in service of one another. A spirit and principle of daily practice freely chosen and freely acted upon rather than prescriptive and convoluted layers of laws and constraints that appear to benefit the forces of chaos rather than order. Such an idea is food for thought and reflection in a difficult world and could be a focus if developed for a new hope in any new world that we collectively develop or inherit in the near future. Perhaps we should all put some thought into an incredibly cohesive elegant and yet simple principle relevant for today and the future and take the best from a long lasting civilisation such that Egypt was and adapt it for our next evolutionary progression. I can only hope so.

For further information on Apep refer to:

For further information on MAAT refer to:

For further information on Thoth refer to:

Background to 'The Dawning Day' Poem below.

This short piece (Poem of sorts) below was written 18 months ago during a darker moment of depression. The interesting thing to note for those with either depression, with its accompanying lows, or bipolar, with both highs (manic) and lows, is that it can spur very interesting writing. I write at times what comes. I do not necessary think I just act like a scribe and it flows quickly and fluidly with little or no editing after. Typically this happens early of a morning or shortly after a meditation session. With respect to posting I endeavour to only publish positive, hopeful more uplifting pieces or ones that delve into the darkness but show light is always the redeemer. This darker piece is one of those. It has its parallels in ancient myths of the battles between night and day, darkness and light, evil and good. It is interesting to reflect on current world events and how the snakes are in ascendance during the darkest hours before dawn but they are being revealed and will not last when the brilliance of daylight, broad awareness, uplifting knowledge and new revelation arrives. Difficult times yet but it is not far away.

Item from BCM archive series - Heretical thoughts and musings.

The Dawning Day.

Bitches, bastards, snakes and spiders, parasites and leaches how did they come to power? They’re nasty creatures with overextended reaches, vicious, cruel and crass.

In their cesspits they have shown themselves, they take, they poison, they diminish. Their play has not gone unnoticed soon they will have only themselves to cavort with, to consume and to blame.

Arseholes and aristocrats, pimps and perversion, power play gone mad, theft and derision, might over right these gated communities and gatekeepers, sycophants protecting their lairs only vipers and twisted things here. Despoilation, dread and destitution the products and services within these gates these lairs. Creeping things love creeping things they protect their own, they love the darkness of the night.

But when the sun comes out again there will be no dark places left for them to hide, they will wither, shrink and fear the light and the birds will swoop in and consume. The morning always comes and the birds always sing. They worship the light and play in its radiance, dark things are illusory in the light and the creeping things have no place in the light though the birds know where they hid. The age chimes a new dawn the creeping things will be exposed and the birds will sing with joy as the dawn draws the brighter and brighter light of a new day and new age.

The dawn is a transition time where creeping things are exposed, they fight with the light, they are known by their own coldness though with a little warming they hiss and spit, they cannot fly, they cannot sing, they cannot hide any more, they fight one another.

The awakening song birds all take flight over the gates and into the lairs and clean up in feast while singing songs to the sun. The dawn is over the day is here.

(Copyright ? Brett Christopher Martin – 03/06/2014)


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