Dawnbreaking Forward

Dawnbreaking Forward

It is Naw Ruz, and I am wishing you a lovely day. That said, in Being Vital and Keener, I shared "Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of usefulness." from Abdu’l-Baha.

Joyfulness does not deny all of our emotions. They are indeed important. But Joyfulness is more of a countenance and gait from which to more healthily experience them all. And, with it, "our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded". With that in mind and heart, today is Naw Ruz (new day)... and I am reminded of the reset that is Winter heading into Spring. While there remains snow around here...

... I am aware that movement is happening underneath and the snow is losing the battle. Longer and warmer days are ahead. But that length of daylight and warmth... it follows a reset during Winter. The Maple teaches me thusly. The coldness of Winter leads into new life as Spring. Something is happening, beneath the snow. With my own last year now behind me and as I enter this New Year, I consider my own brickwork and new growth ahead. Indeed, I consider 4 pillars to build with that brickwork...

and manifest that new growth... in the arenas of Faith and Service and Health and Love. These are my Focus... for new growth... personally and professionally.

Service Forward

A "new day" is a mindset and heartset. It engages what I call dawnbreaking; that notion that each day holds opportunity to make the difference we most want to make at home, school, work, business, play and community. For me, in Service, I now am considering the path forward with virtuousCITY including A PEACE of WORK... and Aim High .... and TUGtv. Indeed, virtuousCITY will continue to include The LECturn plus Aim High and A Peace of Work ... all as parts of the Initiative of Free Thought.

  • Aim High will be offered up at the beginning of each month.... referencing The LECturn, and more.
  • A PEACE of WORK will come out the middle of each month, engaging new content and TUGtv shows from the previous month... including but not limited to BroadCAST Live and Talk Reel and #hUmaNITY and TUGtalks and Digital Coffees.

And... there is more coming with Sharpen the Blades as a blog from my site... plus new initiatives with TUGtv. Bottom line is that I am a Leadership Educator, Speaker, Coach, Author and Creator helping Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders nobly lead for a better world at school, work, business, play and community; advancing Character, Purpose and Unity. And Humans Together Strong is my chosen Just Cause and best sense of meaning. Indeed and in deed, more content is coming for a better world and future. That noted... the "new day" mindset and heartset is engaged. Dawnbreaking is happening. This Day and each day holds opportunity to make the difference I most deeply want to make.

Dawnbreaking It

All of this is to say that a new day is indeed a mindset and heartset.... and it does engage dawnbreaking; knowing that each day holds such opportunity to make the difference we most want to make at home, school, work, business, play and community.... locally, globally and glocally.

With a New Day, carpe diem. With each day, we have an opportunity to constructively learn from the past, keep what is useful, understand our chief task, and move forward accordingly. Seize. The. Day. Each day. Each New Year. Let us dawnbreak forward. Let us reset each day.

As a student of Boxing, Archery, Chess, Character and Singing (not necessarily in that order lol)... and as a student of education, business and Life... I suggest that every day is literally a new day, every day is Day One... and we get to meet and greet the dawn, moving ever forward, stronger. It is my intent to ever better adopt this mindset and heartset, not only on my New Year, but each day forward. One brick, one day... at a time.

Happy Naw Ruz!

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

  • Through my work, I offer what I call Free Thought, including random and regular blog articles, two newsletters, and TUGtv... all free and ad free. They serve who I call Leaducators, Emergents and Communitrepreneurs.

Some Other Thoughts, Ideas and Books to Ponder...



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