Solar Time Cycle
Western astronomical calculations and Eastern metaphysical systems affirm that the Dark Age on planet Earth has ended. The axis of the present solar time cycle is orbiting a galactic center, from which creative forces emanate, influencing life on Earth. This current "Solar Time Cycle" marks the "Age of Awakening," a period advantageous for higher consciousness, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Humanity is moving toward a collective spiritual awakening, ultimately paving the way for global enlightenment through participatory "Collective Consciousness."
Aquarian Age
Humanity is now living in the Aquarian Age—a transformative era when human values and spirituality will experience an unprecedented surge. The profound quest for spirituality and connection to the divine will bridge the gap between science and spirituality, fostering the emergence of a "Global Humanitarian Society." This society will prioritize the greatest happiness for the largest number of people, allowing humanism to manifest in its full glory and laying the foundation for a brighter, more compassionate future.
Global Oneness
The transit of Venus, the morning star symbolizing light, love, beauty, and unity, recently crossed the disc of the Sun — a phenomenon occurring once every 130 years. Such celestial events herald a new level of harmonization for the world, dissolving old structures of human consciousness and ending cycles of division. This cosmic shift ushers in the birth of a Golden Age of Oneness, a time of hope, purification, and renewal. As mental concepts rooted in duality and separation dissolve, humanity will witness a collective awakening, opening the door to an era of peace and prosperity.
Holy Scriptures
Numerous holy scriptures across diverse traditions foretell the arrival of transformative spiritual figures: the "Kalki" avatar awaited by Hindus, the "Shah Bahram Varjarand" of the Zoroastrians, "Maitreya Buddha" of the Buddhists, the "Lord of Hosts" of the Jews, the return of Christ for Christians, and the universal "Tirthankara" referenced in Jain teachings, along with the promised proclamation in the Quran. These prophecies signal a drastic and undeniable change, forecasting the dawn of a Golden Age where outdated systems and erroneous beliefs will be replaced by structures conducive to humanity's higher evolution.
The Age of Spiritual Awakening
Human consciousness has transcended the age of obscurity and moved beyond the confines of "Kali Yuga." Humanity now stands at the threshold of a New Era marked by spiritual awakening. Across the globe, people's thoughts, emotions, and actions are gradually improving, driven by massive cosmic thought waves materializing to transform human mindsets. This cosmic transformation is uplifting not only Earth but the entire cosmos
A new way of life, founded on the principles of unity, righteousness, compassion, and love, is emerging. Humanity is preparing for an extraordinary revolution that will reshape the world beyond imagination. Cosmic forces have set the stage for the renewal of Earth, heralding the end of outdated religious orders and the rise of a spiritual framework where love reigns supreme.
Religious structures will be rejuvenated and purified, redefining themselves through universal spiritual values. Conditioned minds will break free from ignorance and become radiant with truth. Spiritual realities will triumph, eradicating false religious dogmas and illuminating the path to global enlightenment.
Present Scenario
Before the dawn of this spiritual awakening, the idea of religious reform is already permeating the world through cosmic consciousness. Though its precise form, origin, and manifestation remain unclear, individuals attuned to this cause are spreading its urgency. The presenter of this proposal joins countless others worldwide, emphasizing the need for religious reform.
Religions, which once aimed to unite, have become sources of division and conflict. They dominate headlines for the wrong reasons, often linked to violence perpetuated by fanatics cloaked in religiosity. These acts, erroneously deemed sacred, have threatened global peace and hindered human progress. It is time to recognize humanity as one family and the world as a global village governed by spiritual values, not medieval religious doctrines. The era of a religionless world is upon us.
Consciousness is eternal, pervading the entire cosmos and governed by spiritual laws discernible through knowledge, not rigid religious frameworks. All human beings are spiritual by nature and governed by spiritual values. Therefore, it is essential to transition from a false "Religious Mindset" to a genuine "Spiritual Mindset," fostering humanity's growth and progress.
The Change-Makers
We live in a world shaped by thoughts—noble thoughts originating from cosmic consciousness that fuels the endless evolution of the human mind. Thoughts are timeless and boundless, transcending race, nationality, and era. Their manifestations depend on unseen forces beyond our comprehension.
History demonstrates the transformative power of thought. Over 2,500 years ago, great thinkers such as Buddha, Socrates, and Confucius emerged independently in different civilizations. Despite the geographic separation, their ideas shared profound similarities, revolutionizing global thought and consciousness.
Today, a similar wave of thought, triggered by cosmic consciousness, is emerging. Unlike the past, this movement is characterized by the collective voices of common individuals, supported by visionary global leaders who will champion the forces of oneness and unity. These leaders will catalyze an unparalleled transformation, redefining truth through reason and spiritual realities rather than religious assumptions.
The world stands on the cusp of monumental change. The groundwork has begun. A complete reordering of society is inevitable, driven by universal spiritual values that will supplant fragmented faiths. National divisions will dissolve, and the world will become one — with no armies, weapons, or wars. One global government, leader, currency, and citizenship will emerge, forming the foundation of a "War-less Welfare World."