Dawn of a new Son.
Rodney Josephson
Author, Publisher, Lyricist, Poet, Singer, Comedian, Business Start-Ups, Skilled Leader, Marketer and Promoter, Motivational Speaker and Master Trainer.
Man is God?or?God is man. How do I know this to be true? Hear O’ Israel (consciousness), I and the Father are one. “Jesus” (I am) was (is) the son of God, as it is written, correct? He was (is) to grow up like his?Father, correct? In the beginning, there was only Adam, one man, is?that correct??God made Adam, then Eve was taken?from his “rib”,?correct? The flesh and blood humans started?as?it could be considered, all from one creation of man, correct??There is only one man,?only?individualized into separate flesh bodies, but all from?only?one spirit.?I’m an identical?twin?so I need not explain the facts of which I speak.
Son,?father, grandfather, great grandfather…All growing up…
The divine masculine and the divine feminine are in man’s own mind, and they shall be one in agreement to conceive. One cannot exist without the other. The dark needs the light, and vice versa. If there?wasn’t?darkness, you would?be blinded?by the light! If there wasn’t?light?you could not see in pitch black. It’s the balance of the two opposites, with the center, core, the one that controls both, and the light shines the way.
Caesar’s world of death, destruction, division, and deceit only compounds?the ignorance of man, for he can’t connect the concept of oneness. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, shall the body return to Mother Earth, but man and his individualized idea of his existence, whatever that may be, will always be?individualized,?and continue after his so-called death (when the body fails). But here is what man needs to know (see) and understand, and that is he is either restored once again to another body somewhere, sometime, as he was or is, to continue?on?his journey of awakening (Deja Vu). When a man?is anointed, and that means he knows personally from within his mind/imagination from his dreams or the messengers whom he interacts with, inform him he is?anointed,?and not from any mortal man, guru, preacher, copy-paste meme, scientist, or anything else. Once that happens, the keys to the?wisdom of the universe?are there to open the doors of creation. He is the “Jesus”, the man, the only man who knows there is only one man, and all those others are his brothers and sisters who are ignorant of the fact that they are?too, God. That is, to grow up like the?Father. Man is God, I am God, for I?was anointed?to deliver?you?this information. You may either accept it, be indifferent, or reject it. It’s your choice. But you should know that the only?true?sin is rejection of God. Every other “sin” is just missing the mark, not achieving what?was planned, and thus a learning curve. Man shall reap what he sows until he knows inside his mind - the truth.
Only the anointed ones shall have scaled the seven eyes of God to reach the eighth eye, the one that sees from above. The one that knows and has a direct connection to the?wisdom of the universe. The one that everyone he meets in person knows he is the one, and either goes away rapidly, is indifferent, or comes to confess. They know that he knows he speaks the truth as he had it revealed to him by the messengers in the night (“dreams”), then writes the messages down and looks to scripture to confirm it’s true. Mock not the Father?for?He is not fooled.
Always Love God with all your might and love thy?neighbor?is what I suggest, and the journey shall be a good one, regardless of whether your status is anointed or not. But of course, you may choose otherwise.
Realign (religion) your life back to the center, always be?good?in your intentions, and know that there is nothing to fear other than ignorance.
I am the light (dark too, for I must know what I speak of to be truthful) to show you the way.
Finally, clean your own house and leave all the others to clean theirs - it’s not of your concern. The universe will work it out for them and you as well.
I am.
Praise the Lord, amen.