The dawn of Everything
Charles van der Haegen
Orbiting internally and externally imagining new original combinations at Materia Nova
?Privisory version still subject to modification
I just updated a aanouncement of thos book in French
This is first announcement in English
It relates to the breathtaking work of David Graeber and David Wendrow, "The Dawn of Everything, a new history of Humanity".
Announced everywhere, since it came out, in Autumn 2021, a great diversity of reactions, comments and videos are now widely available in English and other languages. see David Wengrow's 17 min Ted Talk here for a good overview.
The book indeed offers nothing less than a new way of thinking about History, and its consequences.
The conclusions are very "uncomfortable" at best for, those who want the existing systems (including Historicism) to prevail.
For those who want to discover "the extraordinary event" that this Book represents for the future of Humanity, I advise this article written by Nicholas Smaligo, "Closing Paradise's Gate".
It very well informs those willing to deepen their knowledge and their reflection upon the many "wrong pre-suppositions" that have been guiding our life: toward the precipice", especially since and despite the "Enlightenment" (that has missed its mark)
The article's title already reveals some hints of its conclusion. Ploughing through may be important for those who want to understand where Graeber and Wengrow are constructing their Thoughts and theses from. The choice is yours!
The conclusion of "Closing Paradise's Gate" may also add to the motivation to enter into an intellectual and practical adventure to correct the course of Humanity, or it may, on the contrary, hold off those not willing to be confronted with "uncomfortable knowledge"
IN A NUTSHELL then, the closing words of "Closing Paradise's Gate"
"Our concept of history after The Dawn of Everything shows that the ruling classes have, contra Benjamin, indeed ceased to be victorious — over and over again"
Conclusion for English Readers
For English Speaking Friends who may want more info about "this event", let me start with the title and the epigraph of Charter 1
FAREWELL TO HUMANITY'S CHILDHOOD: Or, why this is not a book about the origins of inequality
Article Epigraph
"This mood makes itself felt everywhere, politically, socially, and philosophically.
We are living in what the Greeks called the "KAIROS" - the right time - for a "metamorphosis of the gods," i.e. of fundamental principles and symbols.'
C.G.Jung, The Undiscovered Self (1958)