The Dawn of the AI Era: A Human-Centric Approach
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has left many organizations and their representatives struggling to keep pace. AI is not just a fleeting trend; it's a transformative force that will reshape our societies over the next decade. From altering power dynamics to changing the way we think and operate, AI's impact is undeniable.
AI's Pervasive Reach
AI's influence is so pervasive that many sectors of society are yet to fully awaken to its implications. Within the next ten years, we will witness a paradigm shift in societal operations. AI will redefine power structures, the way power is exercised in relation to citizens, businesses, and regional vitality. It will change our thought processes, our actions, and the way organizations create value and serve their stakeholders.
Finland's AI Vision
Finland has been at the forefront of this transformation. As early as 2017, Finland was among the first nations to politically commit to formulating a strategy for the AI era. The focus wasn't just on AI as a technology but on the transition to a society where learning systems become an irreversible part of our societal fabric. These learning systems are disruptive because, until now, interpretation and learning have been predominantly human domains. Now, we're entering an era where learning and interpretation can be delegated to machines, based on algorithms and models developed by humans or other machines.
Human-Centric AI
The essence of AI's integration into society should be human-centric. The focus should be on real human needs and enhancing human well-being. For instance, Jordan's AI strategy, which we were sparring this week through TAIEX Workshop on Artificial Intelligence – Transitioning from Strategy to Execution (Moving forward together with EU expertise), implementation strongly emphasized facilitating smooth daily lives for its citizens and addressing the needs of businesses. It also highlighted the importance of transparent actions when utilizing data in an ethically sustainable manner.
In a time when democracies and autocracies are battling for dominance, it's crucial to recognize that AI can be used for both good and ill. An AI-assisted society can either be beneficial for humans or controlling towards them. The direction we take depends largely on those in power today.
The Responsibility of Decision-Makers
Decision-makers play a pivotal role in shaping how societies transition into the AI era. The central message is simple: As nations move towards the AI era, it's imperative to determine what they expect from AI, especially from a power dynamics perspective. Does the AI era support individuals' ability to control their lives based on information, technology, and predictive services? Or does it reinforce existing power structures aimed at controlling people?
Those who currently wield significant societal power will define what societies will look like in the coming decades. It's our collective responsibility to ensure that future societies enable ethically sustainable, equal opportunities for everyone to thrive and flourish in their lives.
Finland's Human-Centric Approach to AI: Leading by Example
Finland has consistently been at the forefront of integrating AI into society. What makes Finland's approach particularly commendable is the emphasis on human-centricity, life event approach, transparency, responsibility, and innovation. While the journey has not been without its challenges, the nation's commitment to open debate and consideration of diverse perspectives, including fears and dystopian visions, has been unwavering.
A Transparent and Responsible Approach
Finland's dedication to enhancing societal well-being through technology is evident. The current government's action plan underscores the desire to leverage technology and AI to bolster human well-being. This is achieved through what is termed as "human-centric digitalization". The essence of this approach is to ensure that technology serves humans, and administrative processes adapt to human needs.
Life-Event Based Digitalization
Life-event based digitalization, when applied in a systemic approach, is a revolutionary concept that Finland is championing. This approach will, over the coming decades, transform the operational logic of public services in Finnish society. The goal is to prioritize the well-being of individuals. Such a shift will undoubtedly challenge many established operational models. Traditional models often focus on executing organizational tasks and improving cost-efficiency. In contrast, the human-centric and life-event based approach measures impact from the perspective of individuals. As a result, public fiscal sustainability can be addressed simply by ensuring that people are healthier and happier, and businesses have a conducive environment to thrive.
Holistic Well-being: Beyond Humans
Finland's human-centric approach does not elevate humans above all else. Instead, it views humans as part of a larger system. For instance, biodiversity is seen as a vital condition for well-being. This perspective is not about selfishly placing humans above everything but recognizing that humans are part of a system where elements like biodiversity are essential for collective well-being. Such considerations have been integral to the implementation of Finland's AI strategy.
A Global Beacon
Finland's endeavors in AI and digitalization serve as a beacon for the world. The hope is that Finland continues to set the global standard for what human-centric AI and life-event based digitalization truly mean. This vision is currently being promoted in Finnish municipalities, in close collaboration with each other, the state, well-being regions, and other service providers from the private and third sectors. These entities interact with individuals daily, offering services that bring joy and utility to everyday life.
As the world grapples with the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, I hope Finland's model offers a path that other nations might consider emulating.
CIO at Ax10m
1 年What is your view / position on swarm-intelligence? Shall we use definition on transparent goverment to citizens, or/and transparent banking for private accounts. Open sourced education is a must.
Strategia, kasvu & kansainv?listyminen. 0400 438610
1 年I think that there is an opportunity to promote a GovTech approach to both municipal and national AI opportunities. The holistic life-event based model is globally unique and with suitable support there's an amazing export opportunity for AI systems, AI enhanced governmental ESB-solutions (X-Road+AI) and traditional systems that will require updates to become a better platform for the AI driven tomorrow. AI will be the drug that beats Baumol's disease and it would make sense for FInland to become one of the main exporters of these data driven drugs.
Digital Transformation, Business and Policy Development around it are my daily meal. AI, mindfulness, sustainable humanity, relentless leadership development - tea conversations. Mostly a happy person. :-)
1 年Many declarative statements imho. But - observing Finland's development since mid 90s, I trust you will keep pushing ahead steadily, and much of that will be achieved. Many countries can learn a lot from Finland, although direct copy-pasting won't work in most of the cases due to difference in maturity and culture. Keep leading the way, esp don't let down on education initiatives. Sometimes it's easy to nod off on laurels. ??