The Davos Paradox: How Can the Rich and Powerful Fix the World if They’re the Problem?
The Davos Paradox: How Can the Rich and Powerful Fix the World if They’re the Problem?

The Davos Paradox: How Can the Rich and Powerful Fix the World if They’re the Problem?

Davos man thrives while the rest of us pay for his excesses

The 55th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum takes place this week in the small Swiss village of Davos. More than 2,500 alpha men and women from more than 100 countries will descend on Davos this week to spend four days discussing the world's urgent need to address key global and regional challenges, including responding to geopolitical shocks, stimulating growth to improve living standards, and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition. This, the organising watchword for this year's annual gathering of panjandrums at the World Economic Forum, is allegedly the way out of the crisis. It is meaningless.

Who, for example, would support improving living standards? Western capitalism, and, arguably, global capitalism, has arrived at an apparent dead end. It is in profound trouble. But if the best answer to austerity and economic malaise is resilient dynamism, every delegate should stay at home. As a call to action, you might as well urge everyone to be manly, womanly, and decisive. Virtuous states of mind, but hardly blueprints for action.

In any case, for most of the business leaders attending Davos, the economic malaise is an abstraction. Profits as a share of GDP in almost all western countries are at record highs, along with executive pay. Meanwhile, real wages for the majority are stagnating, if not falling, justified by our economic leaders in Davos as the proper if sad consequence of "structural adjustment.". Goldman Sachs, for example, shamed from deferring its bonus payments into the next financial year so that its staff could enjoy the lower tax rate, has just enjoyed a bumper year. Davos men and women are prospering. No structural adjustment for them.

There will doubtless be the usual appeals for more free trade, more scientific research, and more investment in skills as the expensively clad executives move from seminar and sonorous keynote speech to reception and back to the dinner table. But what there will not be at Davos is a willingness to countenance a sea change in the way capitalism is organised. It can do what it will, and that is to continue to confer fortunes on those at the top, with little risk, while directing pain onto others.

The paradox is that the chief reason capitalism is in crisis is that without such challenges, it has undermined its own dynamism and capacity for innovation. Instead, it merely offers enormous and unjustified self-enrichment for those at the top.

Nor does the malign impact of inequality stop there. I was stunned to read in a recent IMF working paper, with the hardly catchy title Income Inequality and Current Account Imbalances, that the whole—yes, the whole—It is a similar, if less acute, story across the rest of the industrialized, or rather, deindustrializing, west.

What the IMF team shows is that as the share of national income devoted to profits and top pay rises to its current levels, so a noxious economic dynamic is created. By definition, there is less of the pie available to the mass of wage earners, whose real wages become squeezed. To sustain their living standards, they borrow, which has been easier than ever over the past 40 years as banks take advantage of financial deregulation. Overall demand thus carries on growing, but at the price of sucking in imports and ever higher personal debt levels for ordinary wage earners.

Finally, the music stops, as it has now, as both debt and import levels become unsustainable—crazy levels of private sector debt and a record trade deficit—can thus be explained by the rise of inequality. And one of the chief causes of that, the IMF believes, is the decline in trade union bargaining power!

I would argue there is a further twist to the story. Inequality driven by weaker unions and labour market deregulation hits investment and innovation. Executive teams do not need to invest and innovate dynamically to earn rich personal rewards. They just need to be in post, squeezing the workforces' real wages to lift profits, now the fast and easy route to apparent better performance, and thus to increase their own remuneration. And even if they do invest and innovate, the capacity to scale up production fast is hit because there are ever fewer consumers with rising real wages to buy the new products. Inequality is a recipe for stagnation. If Davos wants "resilient dynamism," the delegates should be discussing how to reduce profits as a share of GDP to more normal levels while boosting the real incomes of the mass of their workforces. Be sure this will not be on the agenda. For what it implies—better wage bargaining, new arrangements to share profits across the whole workforce, smarter labour market regulation, and executive pay keyed to long-term innovation rather than annual profits growth—is the antithesis of all that Davos and the international consensus believe.

Yet reality will out. Everyone knows by now, even in Davos, that there can be no return to the world before 2008, relying as it did on abundant supplies of cheap credit. Equally, we need to grow out of recession, which needs more than continual deficit spending and ultra-cheap money or the alternative of endless austerity. The answer is the economic empowerment of ordinary men and women.

It is a wonderful opportunity for trade unions to reimagine their role in western societies. One of the reasons it has been so easy to reduce their power in the Anglo-Saxon world is that they have been so unlovely, unimaginative, and defensive—the reflex defenders of the incumbent, indefensible insiders' privileges and the status quo. Those with long memories will recall the militant opposition of the British trade union movement to co-determination—that is, putting workers on company boards—in the 1970s. Stupid.

The West, for that matter, needs a way of making labour more powerful in its relations with capital. It seems an impossible ask. We need wage bargainers with more clout, but ones who behave rationally—pushing for more when it is genuinely there but cutting deals and giving ground when the firms they work for have their backs to the wall. One way forward is co-determination, putting workers on company boards. Another would be to revisit the ideas of Nobel Prize winner Professor James Meade and organise compensation so that a firm's profits are equitably shared between workers, management, and shareholders. And there is more.

Davos is intellectually bankrupt. But the ideology it champions won't fall just by itself. Capitalism's dead end requires intellectual challengers, social movements, and trade union leaders prepared to dare to reimagine their role. We need ferment and protest in civil society. Social democratic parties will move, but only when they can sense a change of popular mood. This is everyone's problem—and the responsibility of us all to act as we can.

The Hypocrisy of Davos

The Davos Paradox: How Can the Rich and Powerful Fix the World if They’re the Problem?

Davos remains gloriously hypocritical on inequality. The world's political and economic elite gather to tackle global issues such as poverty and inequality despite being part of the problem and the biggest beneficiaries of such problems. The contrast between the concerned words and the (in)action (none or negative) has been well skewered by economist Branko Milanovic. This will not self-correct. We know it is ridiculous to keep looking to Davos for the answers to inequality.

Davos is a parade of rich people feigning concern for the poor while protecting their own interests. They continue to perpetuate the neoliberal system that enriches them while people and the planet are pushed to breaking point.

It’s more realistic to say that Davos is a parade of rich people feigning concern for the poor while protecting their own interests. They continue to perpetuate the neoliberal system that enriches them while people and the planet are pushed to the breaking point. So why do we need to protest as a movement fighting inequality across the world?

The World Economic Forum holds no formal or official role in global governance. It’s a club of the rich and powerful with a lot of ‘de facto’’ power. The world’s media cover the main debates and pronouncements about what world leaders and multinational CEOs say is important. It is a place where narratives that shape our conversations and our economies are set. So it is a conversation we need to disrupt.

In its 55 years as the talking shop of the 1%, Davos has never looked more out of step. What billionaire elites are unable and unwilling to understand, even in this time of climate and inequality crisis, is that they do not want to change the broken system of which they are the main beneficiaries. Arsonists do not make good firefighters.

Instead, people on the front lines of inequality, from Kenya to the Ivory Coast, from the Philippines to Mexico, and beyond, are busy building alternatives for a new system that will leave neoliberal capitalism, racism, patriarchy, and environmental destruction behind. Elites are not willing to understand that change is coming from the streets without them, in spite of them, and because of them. Time’s up for Davos, a symbol of a broken system

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