Davidson Kempner partner tipped for launch, Crispin Odey closes three funds to investors, hedge funds bearish on gold | The Hedgeweekender

Davidson Kempner partner tipped for launch, Crispin Odey closes three funds to investors, hedge funds bearish on gold | The Hedgeweekender

This week in hedge fund world ?

?? One to watch? Davidson Kempner partner Risto Koivula – among Europe’s top merger arb talents – is leaving, and may launch his own fund.?Merger arbitrage specialist to quit Davidson Kempner Koivula (hedgeweek.com)??

?? Cold on gold – hedge funds have been selling the precious metal and will remain bearish until the US Fed provides clarity on its fiscal plans. Hedge funds to maintain bearish stance on gold, say analysts (hedgeweek.com)?

?? One structured opportunities fund in – a new launch coming from credit specialist Magnetar and technology investor White Hat –?White Hat Capital partners with Magnetar Capital to launch Structured Opportunities fund (hedgeweek.com)?

?? …and one out – plans for a structured opportunities launch by Eisler Capital have been scrapped; part of several changes at the London firm.?Eisler to close oldest hedge fund and focus on multi-strat (hedgeweek.com)?

?? Crispin Odey has closed three funds to new investors, including his flagship European HF, having chalked up record gains so far this year.?Odey closes flagship hedge fund to new clients following gilt market gains (hedgeweek.com)?

?? Shartsis Friese – one of the US West Coast’s top law firms for funds – has elected hedge fund partner Neil Koren as its new managing partner. ?Law firm Shartsis Friese appoints hedge fund partner as new managing partner (hedgeweek.com)?

The week in numbers ?

?? €450m – macro firm LHG Capital has closed its newly restructured closed ended flagship fund at €450m, 50% above target

?? 51%FoFs remain the investor type most likely to negotiate side letters with hedge funds, accounting for over half of all such arrangements.

?? 1.5% – gain for Citadel multi-strategy in October, outpacing its rivals and taking YTD gains past 30%.?

?? 40% – Proportion of HF managers that said ‘futureproofing’ was a top three reason behind their decision to automate operational processes.

?Latest Hedgeweek research ?

How far have hedge fund firms automated their operations? The latest Hedgeweek Insights Report, Futureproofing Operations, has the answers.?Futureproofing operations: The evolving role of the hedge fund COO (hedgeweek.com)?

?Coming soon from Hedgeweek?

?Register for the?Hedge Fund European Emerging Managers Summit, taking place in London on the 16th of November, to learn more about dealing with the issues spanning operations, strategy and compliance, this event is designed for decision makers from across the leadership suite.

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