Davids Weekend Fun Tip
On this day 19 years ago, I was in New York trying to get home to my pregnant wife. It would be over a week before I could get on a flight back to San Antonio. I want to say to everyone that lost someone during this period, my thoughts are with you.
To commemorate this day, Memorial Virtual Run is hosting a virtual Run/Walk through October 3rd. This year, they have chosen the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation and Tuesday’s Children as the charities they will be supporting. You can participate in this Austin event without traveling to Austin and raise money for people still affected by this horrific day. The challenge is 9.11 miles and for a donation of $27.00 you will also receive a medal and an official race bib. The best part is, it begins when you want it too! For registration and more information about this go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/september-11-memorial-virtual-run-walk-911-miles-austin-registration-114744686446?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Edwards Aquifer Authority’s annual Fiesta de Septiembre will take place tomorrow. For everyone’s safety, this will be a touchless/drive-through experience, taking place from 10:00am-2:00pm at the Edwards Aquifer Authority on Quincy. They will have live music, goodie bags and more! Pick up a Fiesta medal and some great food as you drive through. Tickets are $10.00. For all the information, tickets and to order food, go to https://www.tpr.org/community-calendar/event/636815
The folks at the World Heritage Festival contacted me and have let me know that their 5th annual Festival will still take place this year. It started on September 8th, and will be going through Sunday, September 13th. This event supports the San Antonio Missions. They will have virtual events as well as a live mass at the end. All of the events are free and open to the public! Complete information can be found at https://www.worldheritagefestival.org/
Lastly the NFL started their season this week and your teams may be playing this weekend. My Bills are hosting the Jets at home. Everyone will have the same seats at home! For a list of this week’s games and times go to https://sports.nbcsports.com/2020/09/08/2020-nfl-week-one-games-how-to-watch/
Have a great weekend!