David Pawson - Zechariah Part 1

David Pawson - Zechariah Part 1

For the video of David Pawson on Zechariah Part 1, visit https://www.inspirational.org.nz

Thoughtful Thoughts by John Dunning, 24.11.23 Zechariah Part 1.


Zechariah had “food for thought” both for them at that time, and for us now, as he reveals more of God’s long-term plan which includes us. Israel was not just to be an end in itself in God's plan but was part of God’s long-term plan of salvation for all mankind. The plan was for them to be a ‘light to the Gentiles’. They were just part of God’s overall plan.?

St Paul tells us to move on from the milk to the meat. Well, Zechariah is one of those books that would fall into that category. It is not immediately straightforward for us as Gentiles, because as the saying goes, “You had to be there”. To help us understand the book, I’ll just go through some of the more difficult verses, and then you’ll wonder why you didn’t understand the book before!?


God called Zechariah to follow on after Haggai. He picked up where Haggai left off, so they were like a ‘tag team’. His first month overlaps Haggai’s last month, and he preached for two years.?

a). Haggai’s message focussed on rebuilding the temple, which required them to get cleaned up morally, so that God could accept the hard physical work they put into building the Temple.?

b). Zechariah’s message then moved on to other things once the people had obeyed Haggai, but Zechariah’s support for Haggai was critical.

A problem needing correcting…

Some older Jews had been demoralisng the people by saying things like; “That little Temple you are building is nothing like the one we had in our day”. So whilst the prophets were trying to persuade the people to build the Temple, some older Israelites were undermining the prophets by discouraging the people. The discouragers needed to put them in their place, and so Zechariah (in 4:10) and Haggai (in 2:3) came out against the discouraging older Jews by saying, “Who dares despise the day of small things…? ”?

God’s encouragement…??

The people did as asked and completed the Temple with God's blessing, so now Israel would be able to see for themselves that God had brought about the Jew's return, and now approved of their holy lifestyle and would bless them...

By the Holy Spirit, Zerubbabel would lift up the multi-ton capstone to the top of the Temple, and put into place what could only be done by the Holy Spirit as it would be humanly impossible for one man to do it without help. The act would prove that God had sent Zerubbabel and was with them in what they were doing. That generation would see the Temple completed. The older people would be stopped from ‘despising the day of small things’. (Cf. Sampson lifting the city gates.)

Understanding Zechariah’s Prophecies…

As Zechariah had a longer ministry than Haggai. God went on to speak to him in dreams and visions. We’ll divide Zechariah’s prophecies in two unequal halves. This time we will look at those prophecies that were relevant to the people of those days, in order to help us understand more of the Old Testament…?

Next time in Part Two of the blog on Zechariah, we will look at Zechariah’s prophecies about God’s long-term plans, as they relate to the coming of the Messiah to earth for the first and last time time, (end times.) We will see verses that became ones we quote…

These notes will help you understand the difficult passages…

1). Israel was to told to prepare for Gentiles coming into God’s family.

2). A vessel above the lampstand had oil pouring into it, which never needed refilling.?

Oil represents the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures.?

Jesus spoke about ‘living water’ being in us and promised the Holy Spirit. God’s people are now the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

3). “Not by strength, nor by power but by My Spirit says the LORD of hosts”; (Zechariah 4:6.)?

‘Strength’ equals military strength.?

‘Power’ equals political power.?

It means physical force cannot be used to bring about God’s Kingdom.?

Only what is God’s own doing can bring about His Kingdom.?

That means all the wars and violence perpetrated in the days of the Catholic empire and then later by some orthodox churches, had nothing whatever to do with God. God’s work is done “Not by strength, nor by power but by My Spirit says the LORD of Hosts”-Zech 4:6

4). The scroll flying through the air, drops curses on liars and thieves, which tells us that we must repent urgently, as judgment is imminent…

5). The horsemen are God’s messengers, reporting back that there was peace on earth. It means that God created a window of opportunity of peace enabling them to rebuild the Temple as God directed.

6). A blacksmith was seen dehorning bulls. That peace was created by God removing the military strength of the enemies threatening Israel.?

7). The measuring of the wall was explained as meaning that the city would outgrow itself.?

8). The most sensitive part of the body is the eye and the centre of it is called the “apple”, named after its shape. It means that whoever touched God’s people are touching the most sensitive part of God. Nations that attack Israel will be dealt with.?

9). Wise men would arrive from Babylon with silver and gold for the temple, which Zerubbabel was to use to make a crown, for Joshua’s coronation.?

10). The two olive trees were the two anointed leaders… Zerubbabel and Joshua.?

11). Satan tells God He can’t use Joshua as he is dirty.?

Zechariah saw that a change of clothes was needed for Joshua, who was given them.?

Dirty clothes were a metaphor for unrighteousness. That metaphor is also used in the New Testament about our unrighteousness.?

Unlike some other religious books, Satan rarely gets a mention in the Bible, except where it is critical to understanding the story. Because of that, he gets a mention in this story. The absence of mentions of that fallen angel also shows that our focus must never be on him. (The other places are Gen 3, in the garden of Eden, 1 Chron. 21:1 When Satan tempts David to number Israel, and the book of Job. That is because our job is to fix our eyes on God; (Prov. 3:6).

12).? The one about a woman flying down and collecting the sins of Israel and flying off with them we will look at next week as it relates to the cross of Jesus.?

One of the signs of having the Holy Spirit is that we love meditating on the word of God. Psalms 119:97-105 “Oh how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day. Thy commandments make me wiser than mine enemies; For they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers; For thy testimonies are my meditation.”

More next week…

This is John Dunning signing off from “Thoughtful Thoughts” for another week.

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