Dating the wrong guy

Dating the wrong guy

If you follow your buyer’s journey into legal tech with the wrong guy, you may well end up as a disappointed single. Their profile in the dating app looked perfect and promising, he followed up with you in a most appealing way, and you engaged nicely into a promising long-term relationship.

Broken dreams

Your legal tech ambitions (contract automation, CLM supported by AI) become problematic if you are implementing a roadmap codesigned with a vendor that does not innovate themselves. They may be your charming partner during the honeymoon but not deliver what you actually need.

They may not even be able to deliver at service levels you need. You may end up without end-user adoption. With a broken dream.

The love story of ‘large does it with large’

That’s what happens with large vendors: large vendors convey a sense of reliability, but accommodated their deliverables to what they offer, not necessarily to what you need. On the Dutch legal tech market, we see such (large, seemingly reliable) vendors.

Their messaging may be designed by marketing people, not necessarily by their experts who know better. They may be driven by ambitions that are not yours (and certainly not mine).

Love rationally

Our work with Gartner helps us optimising our deliverables, our service-delivery, our revenue-operations across the entire customer journey, and of course, we finetuned our future CLM-development roadmap according to global market insights, data that reflect a long-term vision.

In our journey with Gartner, we experience first-hand what finding the love of your life requires, and we rationalise our love story accordingly:

  1. Pinpointing the pain points of our prospects and customers, whom we approach as a partner.
  2. Identifying what they need to heal their pains (helping define their RFP, their internal messaging, their implementation plan, their long-term ambition), as we also understand that ultimately, it will reflect on us.
  3. Defining use cases together (and execute them at the right priority).
  4. Paving our customers’ journeys into the future: developing ourselves towards a full automation of all contracts and all contracting-related work.
  5. Optimising our delivery processes continuously.

And of course, we will remain ourselves, stick to our own values of being absolutely reliable, be authentic (truthful, learn and let learn), delivering only excellence (in everything we do, everywhere, at all times), and hence innovate truly, continuously.

And where we find a mismatch, we will prevent broken dreams and help the other find their way. These lovely words are not how Gartner tells us, but they reflect their detailed, data-driven advice.

Ramping up for a life-long marriage

Thanks to the countless enquiries with experts from Gartner (multiple meetings every week), we codesign our organisation, and ramp up for our dream: to help change the legal sector, to drive legal-services-delivery to unseen levels. Supported by AI as much as possible.

Let's talk about your pains



